3 days left

this is making my brain hurt.

someone else from my databases class agrees – he posted this sentence as a reply to a question:

Remember, if there is an FD in F that has elements split across R1 and R2, you will have to add another relation R3 into the decomposition where R3 contains all items referenced by FDs that are in F but not found in F1 or F2.

i understand what it is saying but i cannot understand how can i understand it.


i’m gone. u of t has killed me!

deux balles de 22. vingt deux ans adieu

why do exams stress me out so much? its like the smallest thing can set me off.

in the recent years i have calmed down significantly. i used to have much more mood swings, which would go from negative to positive extremes in a very short amount of time, with negative mood prevailing.

as time moved on, so did my mood swings. in the past 3 years it has been a particularly strong wave of improvement, with moods straying towards mostly positive.

last 2 years, i am happy.

but exams – only exams, no other kind of stress, not work, not people stress, not photoshoots-gone-wrong, no fights, no broken cameras, laptops, no missed flights-lost-luggage, no other situation except exams – bring back these terrible moodswings where i can barely get a handle on myself. it feels like if i don’t do well, everything will end. and i know – i know – that it is not true. at this point marks matter so little. i’ll be fine even if i have to take this stupid databases course 5 times.

and still, right now, if i’m not studying or keeping myself busy with something (talking, cleaning), i just start freaking out.

and i’m in 4th year and i still can’t get a handle on this.


  • Mc solaar – La belle et le bad boy
  • Conjure One – Sleep
  • Sean Paul – We be Burnin
  • Max Richter – November
  • Moby – Raining Again
  • tchaikovsky – swan lake
  • bt – remember (sasha’s mix)
  • Sarah Brightman – Deliver me
  • and that’s all really.

    marks – databases

    blah, this sucks

    this google search shows the marks i’ve gotten, assuming an 80% for the 3rd assignment. the last value – the 0.35 * 70 is the value of the final.

    essentially, that means my databases mark will suck. no matter what i do.


    my lovely, awesome boyfriend (did i mention how great he is?) shown that i can’t do math (thankfully!)
    i forgot to multiple my midterm mark by a 100 meaning i was missing out on a big chunk.
    the new math

    unless i autofail (get <40%) i actually will get above 60.

    you know, its funny. i was so depressed about this. and i figured that there is no way – no way! – to make me feel better about this. and he just went and did. instance … ah okay i’ll spare you all the lovey dovey stuff and go tell it to him.


    coffee cup

    one day i’ll have a machine that will allow me to make tasty coffee drinks like that.

    //back to studying philosophy… in which i will get *80%* if i pull of a 75% on the exam!

    update @ 12:01am
    that’s it! i can’t do it anymore. the names are starting to mix up in my head. i guess i’ve been studying (with some breaks here and there but mostly studying) since 2pm. wow!
    who i have read (book), revised (class notes), reedited (together with overheads) and thus reviewed:
    Nagel, Goldman (I, VIII), Kant, Stein (II, V),
    who i have done at most 2/3 of the above (and thus not totally reviewed yet):
    Singer – done the second half of Kant’s critique, but totally didn’t get first half. e-mailed prof.
    Mendus – reviewed but don’t feel confident – keep forgetting what she wrote about (all jokes aside, marriage faithfulness. but she’s arguing AGAINST it)
    Hajdin (2) – nothing done except rereading class notes. no lecture notes, so i have to reread the whole thing
    Rapaport (I, III, IV) – done all 3 but its all a huge mess in my head and on the paper so still have to totally do

    that’s for the short answer part.

    for the essay part i have 4 people:
    Elliston – “Gay Marriage” (4-5)
    Jordan (both arguments) – “Is it Wrong to Discriminate on the Basis of Homosexuality?”
    Nussbaum (everything except section II) – “Objectification,” Specific examples from D.H. Lawrence and Playboy, seven ways of treating as an object, discussions of D.H. Lawrence and Playboy.
    Primoratz (4-5) – “What’s Wrong with Prostitution?” – first and second feminist critiques

    i’ve got a superficial overview of all of them, but for the essay part i need to be cracking these guys off in depth. i’ll probably sketch something out for nussbaum, as her paper is HUGE, one merged gay marriage argument(almost wrote gay prostitution – now THATS a philosophy paper topic), and definitely primoratz as he could appear in both short answer AND essay part.

    anyway. time for a break..nnnnow.

    update @ 12:22
    fun links:
    cute illustration of the website development proccess

    an interesting japanese magician

    pixel fonts

    Time goes by so slowly

    wow, madonna’s latest song somehow makes me feel good.
    hung up

    things that make me happy today:

    1. my loving, awesome boyfriend
    2. my loving, awesome boyfriend that withstands me talking on the phone to random people in russian a gazillion times at 10am after falling aslepe at 5am
    3. my loving, awesome boyfriend that let me steal his awesome red bag that makes me so happy
    4. my white jacket that is keeping me warm and cozy
    5. my headphones that still work despite tearing apart to the wire in 2 places (2!)
    6. hot dogs
    7. chai latte
    8. u of t laidlaw walk
    9. bahen ceilings
    10. studying in u of t
    11. last day of classes!
    12. having awesome profs (like the one who taught philosophy and was talking to me and a classmate for 20 minutes after the end of last tutorial and class!)
    13. people who i used to know who i randomly meet in subway who invite out to a beer
    14. my cousins who are cutest bunch ever
    15. my friends who bug me lovingly when i disappear off the face of the earth
    16. my parents
    17. (what else do i need to say, they’re my parents)
    18. my laptop, which is my trusty friend through thick and thin
    19. listening to christmas music through above headphones and feeling overjoyed at it being crispy outside
    20. dooce.com’s rants from 3 years ago
    21. every little thing that you say or do
    22. looking forward to all the awesome things that will hit me as exams will start ending
    23. the fact i’m not at all scared of exams
    24. the fact that one of my previous jobs asked me to come back for a project
    25. getting gifts for those whom i love that i’ll give for xmas
    26. the beauty in this world
    27. hart house coffee
    28. my dog’s brown eyes
    29. music
    30. watching csi downloaded on my desktop while i was out of the home through the wireless network at my house. how cool does technology GET! home networks never worked well for me, but this time, thanks to tim’s efforts, its all working.
    31. everything is working.
    32. my loving, awesome boyfriend.
    33. life.

    reading titles of papers

    this is one of those “if i never had to work what would i do (beside photography and travel)” things.

    BBC posted an article on Romantic love ‘lasts just a year’ citing a research article. i love these kinds of news as they lead to a fantastic amount of facianting research.

    so, again, upon reading such an article i jet to e-resources of u of t and try to find the original. unfortunately news articles cite their sources very liberally (i.e. mention the author and journal, but not paper title or anything like that), thus it involves some looking up.

    the moment i open any given journal on scholar’s portal (biggest collection of online research journals and articles at u of t), i start to drool and wish i could read alll of them. i still haven’t found the original of the BBC article, but here is a skimming from today’s “casual research”; the articles i’d love to read just to gain the knowledge:

  • The role of the amygdala in human fear: Automatic detection of threat
  • Stress hormones in health and illness: The roles of work and gender
  • Coping with critical life events and lack of control—the exertion of control
  • The effect of a low dose of alcohol on allopregnanolone serum concentrations across the menstrual cycle in women with severe premenstrual syndrome and controls
  • Weight loss strategies, stress, and cognitive function: Supervised versus unsupervised dieting
  • Prenatal stress and children’s cortisol reaction to the first day of school
  • these are from Psychoneuroendocrinology journal.

    i couldn’t find the article there (grr, and google scholar ain’t helping either), so i looked up “romantic love” in the u of t scholar’s portal. results (ohmygosh! hesi i think you’ll like this) – there is a journal called Psychology and Marketing .

    articles from that:

  • Romantic love and sex: Their relationship and impacts on ad attitudes
  • Direct evidence of ending-digit drop-off in price information processing
  • On-line product presentation: Effects on mood, perceived risk, and purchase intention
  • The dark side of discounts: An inaction inertia perspective on the post-promotion dip
  • A cognitive and behavioral hierarchical decision-making model of college students’ alcohol consumption
  • Memory for advertising and information content: Comparing the printed page to the computer screen
  • The interaction of retail density and music tempo: Effects on shopper responses
  • A cross-cultural exploration of attitudes toward product expiration dates
  • the The Journal of Comparative Neurology Volume: 493, Issue: 1, 5 December 2005, pp. 58 – 62 has an article titled Romantic love: An fMRI study of a neural mechanism for mate choice

    i want to read them all, collect them all. and this is just from a 15-20 minute casual browsal/search of just one of the many (at least 10 major, 50 minor) online collections of journals, all searchable.

    and each article has references, which lead to more facianting stuff, and and and this is just the latest research (all of these are at most 6 months old – nearly nothing, given how my friend published a linguistics article on a book written in 1973!)

    i wish i could be one of those people who writes news articles based on these journals. that’d be FREAKIN’ SWEET!

    P.S. Tickets to Australia bought. Tickets to New Zealand bought (open-jaw – flying into Auckland and leaving from Christchurch). Residence secured (the mixed orange roof thing around a big tree). All that’s left is visa (easy), and figuring out the pleasantries of what to do in NZ, and what and how to pack. i foresee a lot of pleasant shopping for bags for me.

    update: boingboing to the rescue! they posted a link to the original paper i was looking for

    from http://www.kundalini-tantra.com/rtbrain1.html:

    Surround yourself with as many things and methods capable of bringing fifth circuit brain activity as you can. To do this, a partial listing of techniques follows:
    1. Unlearn traditional ways of thinking. Don’t judge or analyze others and their actions or thoughts. Function on a basic, physical, fourth brain circuit sexual plane. Be patient. Be creative. Be different than you were. Give up the past and the disastrous training it contains.
    2. Meditate 38 minutes daily. New ideas indicate good meditation.
    3. Be aware. Notice everything about you; colors, sounds, people, trees, etc., and try to increase that awareness every day.
    4. Listen to dreams, hunches, intuition and sort them out according to second circuit, first circuit, or possible higher brain circuit emanations. Dreams represent the firing of brain cells in specific brain circuits. Many times these are just random firings and mean nothing. Some times, they are not random and tell you what a specific brain circuit is focused on.
    5. BELIEVE YOU CAN DO THIS! Don’t rely on the opinions of others to judge and evaluate your path. Rely on the discernment of your teacher and guide as you build a new ability to rely on your own discernment based on the new understanding and knowledge of the world around you.
    6. Surround yourself with the following:
    flowers, potted or fresh cut
    music, classical or light classical
    bright colors
    bright lights
    bright odors
    sensual touch and thought
    sexual activity
    views of scenic nature
    helpful, respectful, and similar friends – crap, where do i find these ;)
    7. Be creative to some extent each day
    8. Read about your Path. Study regularily
    9. Good nutrition
    10. Use activity to open the fifth brain circuit. Practice Tantric rituals of all levels where legally possible. The physical world works to bring forth physical energy. Don’t rely on mental energy to boost your physical energy to the levels required to reach your goal. These methods abound and are great for the spiritual couch potato. Get off your couch and make some mental, spiritual, and physical progress each day.

    from my researchig for paper due today. (yesterday + 1 day extension)

    what do you mean its a week later?

    apparently even as a self centered blog this entirely blows, cause i don’t care enough to write about myself. aren’t you happy!

    philosophy essay handed in. yay for developing thinking.

    databases is done. yay for tim’s brilliance.

    saturday – harry potter and tim’s party.

    sunday – study! w00t for starting 4 days earlier than usual.

    i went to my mom’s work’s new year party today (they always celebrate it a month early – must be out of consideration for those of us who have birthdays on dec 30th!). it was fantastically decorated (40’s black and pink theme – stunning.), and the food was awesome.

    cooking wise – meh, nothing lately. no time. reheating food.

    clothes wise – i was sick, and then writing papers, and then sick some more. same pair of jeans and sneakers for the past week. yeah, i’m changing the shirts, but even the sweater is the same dark grey turtleneck from netherlands.
    tonight i’m going spiffy. driving downtown in black(some kind of)top and my favourite green skirt.


    cuba red walkway