what do you mean its a week later?

apparently even as a self centered blog this entirely blows, cause i don’t care enough to write about myself. aren’t you happy!

philosophy essay handed in. yay for developing thinking.

databases is done. yay for tim’s brilliance.

saturday – harry potter and tim’s party.

sunday – study! w00t for starting 4 days earlier than usual.

i went to my mom’s work’s new year party today (they always celebrate it a month early – must be out of consideration for those of us who have birthdays on dec 30th!). it was fantastically decorated (40’s black and pink theme – stunning.), and the food was awesome.

cooking wise – meh, nothing lately. no time. reheating food.

clothes wise – i was sick, and then writing papers, and then sick some more. same pair of jeans and sneakers for the past week. yeah, i’m changing the shirts, but even the sweater is the same dark grey turtleneck from netherlands.
tonight i’m going spiffy. driving downtown in black(some kind of)top and my favourite green skirt.


cuba red walkway