marks – databases

blah, this sucks

this google search shows the marks i’ve gotten, assuming an 80% for the 3rd assignment. the last value – the 0.35 * 70 is the value of the final.

essentially, that means my databases mark will suck. no matter what i do.


my lovely, awesome boyfriend (did i mention how great he is?) shown that i can’t do math (thankfully!)
i forgot to multiple my midterm mark by a 100 meaning i was missing out on a big chunk.
the new math

unless i autofail (get <40%) i actually will get above 60.

you know, its funny. i was so depressed about this. and i figured that there is no way – no way! – to make me feel better about this. and he just went and did. instance … ah okay i’ll spare you all the lovey dovey stuff and go tell it to him.

8 thoughts on “marks – databases”

  1. i thought i was going to get a 60 at most, but turns out i’ll get 60 at worst
    you know
    its a better feeling

  2. Ms. Olya,
    It is with great sadness in my heart, I am writing to you to inform that you have been degraded from the term ‘nerd’.
    Such, humiliating mistakes are not accepted by the NerdSociety10101111.

    I’m truly sorry about this.
    Please hand in your badge, nerdy glasses and any other nerdy objects you currently posses to the nearest NerdSociety10101111 office location.

    Yours Truly,


  3. oh yeah, you need laptop to post blogs about how much school sucks and that your profs hate you and give you bad grades and how it has nothing to do with the fact that you can’t calculate your own grade. and dont forget ‘currently listening to: emo band of the day’. damn, except you dont listen to emo music… yet o.0

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