cooking tonight: spaghetti in tomato sauce with ground beef and parmesean
1/2 medium onions, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 stalk celery, finely chopped (cut length wise into 3 and chop into tiny bits)
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 cube of vegetable stock (homemade!)
1/2 cup of water
1/2 can tomato paste
pinch teaspoon salt, or to taste
2 splashes red wine
bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon herbes du provence
1/2 pound ground beef
spaghetti (for, err, 2 portions, dunno how really much)
heat onion, garlic until tranclucent in oil on medium low heat, add the stock and celery and the water, and heat for about 5 more minutes. add the tomato puree, herbs, bay leaf and heat (for as long as possible , up to an hour – i had only about 30 minutes). add wine about 10 minutes before done.
when the sauce is about ready (or you’re about starving), cook spaghetti (add another cube of vegetable stock to the water to make it the real good thing). brown the ground beef in olive oil, add it to the sauce, warm the whole thing for as long as it takes for spaghetti to cook, serve, eat.
i wish i had basil! argh.
drinking tonight: kindzamaruli red sweet wine
so, 3 exams are DONE DONE DONE!! datbases went SWEETLY, and psych was tough (3 hours of writing non stop, 2 essays, 5 terms in 3 booklets for 21 pages of writing).
the evening was spent watching csi and enjoying the food and wine. life is so good when you only have one exam ahead of you. and i can sleep in tomorrow. and then i study. but i don’t care, because i am free FREE FREE!