1 down, 3 to go, 6 days left

so, in good news, first exam went like hot pancakes. totally sweet. i completely didn’t answer one question (4 marks out of 60), but i can afford to miss like 16 marks and still get 82% as final mark! i’m feeling good. my hand feels like it totally will die.

distractions: videos: don’t work so hard – totally applies, canon d on guitar – very inspiring music, and the guy looks so into it that its just sweet.

this is a wicked idea. next time i have a chance to paint a wall in my room (or two) with this paint, i’m so doing that. its paint that has metal in it, which makes your walls magnetic. *sweetest* *idea* *ever* (and no lead, totally safe).

cool website for cute semi useful stuff.

lovin’ right now

i present THE WEBSITE OF MY DREAMS: cuteoverload. pictures of cute stuff.

going to eat tonight: garlic mashed potatoes, and very awesome steak.
garlic mashed potatoes:
boil potatoes with some bayleaf and garlic until smooshy. throw away the water, and mush with minced garlic and cream and butter, to texture desired. cream makes them smooooth.

no clue yet. probably just steak with some spices – its really good meat, should taste awesome. :D

yay for all the fluffy snow outside!

5 thoughts on “1 down, 3 to go, 6 days left”

  1. garlic mashed potatoes:
    take box out of oven. warm up milk+water, put pouder in, eat mmm yummy
    i actually wanted to do that today then i got lazy
    yes. that’s right. too lazy for what i described above. holy crap i rule

    and thanks for the links.
    and yay us first down, six days and 3 exams to go :)

  2. eeewww how can you eat powder at home! when camping i understand, but duuuude, its like… no time required… the potatoes boil while you do whatever :P

  3. i agree with that statement, but i don’t think its the exact same result :P

    ah well, i’m eating stale free cookies from the local coffee shop cuz they were free in order to save time and money…

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