things i want to do once i graduate

once graduate:
paint the living room. grey. and hang art! (mom’s, stalker’s, mine).
go outside and take photographs (in the magic hour. i miss daylight!)
take shady for a walk downtown (similarly, miss shady AND daylight)
read a book in the park (… daylight …)
tan ( … )
contemplate that i am about to graduate somewhere peaceful. like a park.
under the sun.
with a book.

i really need sunlight.

once start working again:
get a metafilter account.
get a flickr pro account.
get nice lamps for the living room.
get Sigma 28-70mm f/2.8 EX or Sigma 20mm f/1.8 EX or Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro. All. So. Good. and all are under $500 USD. not even sure which one i want more! f1.8 wide angle? man.

outdoors in the alley
petal patterns my favourite

my teddy bear

my old teddy bear

i am backing up and cleaning out 130gb worth of photographs from the past 5 years that are all unbacked-up. (well, that has improved considerably – japan, NZ and australia are now burned). going through INCREDIBLY old archives (back when i was finishing high school, dating dima, living at home…) i found photographs of my room after yet another moving around. it was cute! and, in those photographs i found a photo of this teddy bear. who got lost in a suitcase shipped from netherlands 2 years later.

i miss my teddy bear. i’m glad i found this photograph of him.