my teddy bear

my old teddy bear

i am backing up and cleaning out 130gb worth of photographs from the past 5 years that are all unbacked-up. (well, that has improved considerably – japan, NZ and australia are now burned). going through INCREDIBLY old archives (back when i was finishing high school, dating dima, living at home…) i found photographs of my room after yet another moving around. it was cute! and, in those photographs i found a photo of this teddy bear. who got lost in a suitcase shipped from netherlands 2 years later.

i miss my teddy bear. i’m glad i found this photograph of him.

6 thoughts on “my teddy bear”

  1. You “burned” 130gbs worth of pictures ? That’s an assload of discs. External hard drives for teh win!!

  2. i’m burnING.

    i know its an assload of discs, but i don’t trust hard drives. i do intend on getting some h/ds anyway to keep the photographs within easy reach, but i’d like to have the special ones stored somewhere.

    i already had the whole “i think i lost all the photographs i had from russia” scare. and then a few days ago “i think i lost all the photographs from europe” scare.

    better safe than sorry right? :P

  3. I suppose there’s a certain logic in choosing media over hard drives. Hard drives can fail, media cannot (if stored properly and not written with markers that eat through them).

    And yes, it takes a scare (or two) to really get started on back ups.

    See but then with all the backups, it goes back to the “shit we don’t need” subject :P

  4. yeah, dunno about the marker. :P

    regardless; i didn’t delete anything yet; it’ll all get backed up on another hard drive anyway. plus i intend on renewing all burned media in about 5 years anyway.

    arguable if backups are not needed. i still go back to european photographs from 2 years ago because of my insane laziness in processing EVERYTHING right away. same with australia. same with NZ. same with russia, and even london from 4 years ago. i’m a lazy person!

    plus, i have all this blackmail. gotta save it.

  5. How do you process yours? I make a folder and subfolders for the RAW files, and then another folder (and subfolders) for all the processed TIFFs. Subfolders are organized by theme like (fishing, NYC, Upstate, etc). Sometimes I make subfolders in the subfolders themselves sorted by time, like “NYC 2005, NYC 2006.”

    And I make separate folders for different cameras, too.

  6. c:\@d70

    within each its:
    \070423 whatever i shot here\

    and raws go just within that folder.
    edited things go into edited folder.
    its not perfect. i still need to be able to split into things i want to save as prints (right now its @d70\prints\), and just random edits (which go into edited).

    i tried saving edits in subfolders of the main photoshoot (i.e. @d70\070423 studying photos\edits\
    but then for some reason i get lost and forget. plus, sometimes i pick and choose random photos from three days.


    anyone else who’s still reading?

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