giving up isn’t always bad

  • i suck in css! this blog is difficult to edit, cause when i get my grand idea of what i want to accomplish, i lose track in the details.
  • i’m giving up linguistics. situation changed, and i’d have next 2 weeks with 5-6 hours of sleep a night, 8 hours of work, 2 hours of commute, and the rest linguistics with my partner. it sucks; i am losing money for the course and already paid registration and such fees, i’m losing the chance to actually get published, but the last day that i have spent lounging in bed and finishing harry potter 6, was exactly what i needed.
  • harry potter 6 is good. i want 7. and reread the first ones too.
  • the australian huntsman spider. i told you its nasty.
  • rieslign, green label is very good wine.
  • i am freedom!