how much did i get done?

not … all of it. but most of it. and sometimes in not the right order.

but i did get to sleep in until 12. what a bliss!

  1. pick up keys from work
  2. pick up vase from work
  3. get flowers
  4. return empty beer bottles
  5. do a pedicure
  6. clean up the papers, binders, notes, post-its, index cards, highlighters, pens, books left over from my studying all over the place
  7. take a bath (probably before 5)
  8. read a book
  9. bike
  10. go to tims bosses party
  11. get food
  12. clean up kitchen, throw out trash
  13. edit and send coworkers photo

random weekend plans – first weekend of june

kinda as a note to self:

  1. pick up keys from work
  2. pick up vase from work
  3. get flowers
  4. return empty beer bottles
  5. do a pedicure
  6. clean up the papers, binders, notes, post-its, index cards, highlighters, pens, books left over from my studying all over the place
  7. take a bath (probably before 5)
  8. read a book
  9. bike

let’s reorder these for a more specific plan:

  1. 9-10: wake up, computer
  2. 10-11: wake up; bike to work and get stuff. pick up flowers, brocolli, carrots on the way back.
  3. 11-12: return empty beer bottles
  4. 12-1: clean up (study stuff, and bath)
  5. 1-2: bath, pedicure
  6. 2-5: lunch with tim’s work team
  7. 5-6: chill out
  8. 6-7: make brocolli soup, eat
  9. 7-10: relax, read a book.

sounds feasible, right? let’s see how much i pull off. note that doesn’t include any computer time outside of waking up. that’ll be hard!

update: also make pita breads at home. or any bread.

milestones: 13 years in canada, masters certificate

today, june 6th 2009, is the 13th year of our time in canada. that feels very strange. i remember landing, and seeing the airport, and missing the palms. i remember our friends driving me first to our house (their car couldn’t fit me, them, our suitcases, and my parents, so i went first with the suitcases), and pointing out the mosque near 400 & 401. i remember being in their house with 2 dogs – they told me not to come out from the bedroom, and didn’t put my lego set with me, so i ended up falling asleep.

the next day, at 3 am, i woke up and was very disoriented, and confused. those first days are overlayed by the strange memory of the first days in israel. so different, and yet so the same – both moves are in a strange, jet lagged, foreign haze.

how weird is it that i’m here, married to an american, and have changed so much of my personality that was affected by these moves. i was shy, not outspoken, and i took shit from people. in the past few years that changed so much. 13 years!

in other news. today i finished my masters in project management program. our group came in 1st (we split the spot, our final evaluation was same to the decimal!), met so many fantastic people who are fun, smart, kind, and i can’t wait to hang out with in general. and now i can put some alphabet soup after my name! but i won’t.

the course was fun, but i am happy that i have no longer the pressure of homework or 8am saturday classes.


working with some people in New Caledonia – they speak french there. the guy and i exchange work emails in french – though mine kinda sucks, he’s patient. I LOVE IT. such a great switch of mental activity in the day.

writing is SO MUCH EASIER than speaking.

Testing ipod again

You guys can’t even imagine how stocked I am about the whole blog decoration thing. A showing for us to measure stuff is next Monday. I am curious about how long that living room actually is.

Also, I love grey in all it’s shades.

personality test

just for the fun:

Extraverted (E) 54% Introverted (I) 46%
Sensing (S) 50% Intuitive (N) 50%
Feeling (F) 70% Thinking (T) 30%
Perceiving (P) 59% Judging (J) 41%

I’m surprised I’m more extraverted than not, but look, 50-50!

I’m not sure what that makes me, especially since I think I’m pretty introverted most of the time.

first tuesday of june

work was appropriate today. got a fun assignment from an excellent person.

had an awesome awesome lamb burger with tim – like a mini date. i love little italy – what a gorgeous area of the city – and it was so nice to have a mini date!

studying is going well. memorized almost all the acronyms.