Paris – first few hours

A few notes on Paris in the first few hours…

  • cab was cheaper than expected…
  • my bank isn’t giving me enough money
  • the city is every bit heartbreakingly beautiful as i remember. how i long to live here one day….
  • wherever you walk, there’s history. the buildin in which our apartment is housed is from the 17th century. they renovated it but left the original beams in.
  • paris is clearly a city of fashion. looking out the window it looks like theres a sewing school – there is a room full of dress makers dummies
  • K found the best place to stay. louvre is literally 2 minutes away; i accidentally walked there when i was looking for a supermarket.
  • when i was walking away from louvre, a woman stopped me and started asking “Louvre?? Louvre??” and i politely replied “Uhm, oui – parlez vous Francais..? Anglais?..” to which she again said “Louvre?? Louvre?”” so I asked “Do you speak English?” and she said “Yes! English!” so I explained where the entrance is, and how to get there. She thanked me and then said that my English is “beautiful”. I honestly replied that I’m from Canada. But – sweet! I look French!! At least to non French people!! :-)
  • the bread is so freaking awesome its not even funny. i’m afraid to try the croissants.
  • jet lag is totally messing with my head. its 1:30pm and i’m crazy sleepy. going to go nap soon.
  • i love, love, love, love LOVE this city. it pains me how much i love it. the building across the street from my balcony has a stone medallion at the top that says “1840 1917”, and is madly decorated with carvings. too gorgeous.
  • random weekend plans – first weekend of june

    kinda as a note to self:

    1. pick up keys from work
    2. pick up vase from work
    3. get flowers
    4. return empty beer bottles
    5. do a pedicure
    6. clean up the papers, binders, notes, post-its, index cards, highlighters, pens, books left over from my studying all over the place
    7. take a bath (probably before 5)
    8. read a book
    9. bike

    let’s reorder these for a more specific plan:

    1. 9-10: wake up, computer
    2. 10-11: wake up; bike to work and get stuff. pick up flowers, brocolli, carrots on the way back.
    3. 11-12: return empty beer bottles
    4. 12-1: clean up (study stuff, and bath)
    5. 1-2: bath, pedicure
    6. 2-5: lunch with tim’s work team
    7. 5-6: chill out
    8. 6-7: make brocolli soup, eat
    9. 7-10: relax, read a book.

    sounds feasible, right? let’s see how much i pull off. note that doesn’t include any computer time outside of waking up. that’ll be hard!

    update: also make pita breads at home. or any bread.