day 3 – st. germain and luxembourg gardens

sunday. a quiet day in parisien life, when all is closed. not a single grocery store was open as we walked around throughout the day!

to be frank, in the morning i felt like crap – i don’t know what’s happening but i think i maybe catching something similar to what karmun has/had. we shall persevere despite that. (and i’m sure it doesn’t help that the night before i got like 6 hours of sleep on our lumpy and uncomfortable mattress. jetlag is messing with my heeeaaad….)

prior to leaving the right bank, we stopped by what essentially was the first coffee/food place we saw, and got a “petit dejeuner”, which translates into orange juice, toast,  and a great coffee. far too expensive, but actually ends up giving you a decent kick/boost to the day.

crossing over the sienne, gazing at the supper sunny louvre, we came up to orsay to find an enormous line. saying “screw this”, we launched into the first attempt to find the luxembourg gardens. it was unsucessfuly as after about an hour of walking we ran into the sienne (you know the area where all the painters/posters/old books are sold? that area, but not as far down as to be near notre dame). as we walked through the vendors, whoops, we ended up essentially back where we started.

at that point we both were pretty tired, and my body rebelled against walking. we sat down at a nearby cafe and spent at least an hour (i think maybe more) just chatting and people watching and slowly nursing our beer and coke (guess who had what ;-) ). the people watching was especially great – we had a nice pair of seats with our backs to the building, and no one in front of us (just the sidewalk/intersection), and so (a) it was safe to lean back; and (b) lots of people passing by meant that we spied on a variety of french women, men and tourists.

after that much needed break we decided to get to the luxembourg gardens.

ooh man, that was an insanely long walk. i’m pretty sure that i’m sick because karmun held out far better than i did. on the way we found a great bakery that was surprisingly open, and they had a great deal – a sandwich and a drink for 5 eu. that’s pretty dang reasonable, especially since the sandwiches were fantastic, and very big. we picked those up and barely completed our walk to the gardens, where we fell down on the basically nearest available bench in order to eat, and relax.

we spent about an hour on that bench, just relaxing, watching people walk by and play tennis. a lot of really adorable french kids were running around and karmun was trying to take photos of them being all cute. i read my book.

after that, again much needed, break we continued to walk through the park to get to the metro – way too exhausted to walk the hour back to the hotel. at the end of the day, we hit home by about 6pm, and i was DYING. everything hurt. the stupid, stupid mattress and the pillow are driving me mad; i feel like i’m the princess and the pea because karmun snoozes throughout the night, making me jealous, where as i toss and turn.

eventually i went down for a nap, getting up at 8:15 – karmun was going to go walk around (its  sunny here until 9:30pm… so 8pm is the greatest hour for photography) – and this should tell you a lot about how crappy i was feeling, i WASNT SURE IF I CAN GO TAKE PHOTOS.

i did get myself out; we did walk around; and i did give up first. she told me upon return that she got some briliant photos of the louvre; and i do not doubt that because the sunsets are magical around here. i just feel bad that im such a party pooper.

i did sleep from about 9-10pm until 7:30am; the problem is that i woke up non stop and still have a headache on morning of day 4.

paris – day 2 – champs d’elysee

day 2 started at 12pm by karmun waking me up. she was feeling better, and we fairly efficiently got out and to the nearest cafe to have coffee and a sandwich for breakfast. again, jetlag meant i woke up starving – i dont think i ever wake up THAT hungry.

after a quick non remarkable sandwich and a pretty decent cappuccino off we went – by foot – across the gardens, and to champs d’elysee. what a gorgeous, elegant, lovely street, which made me so freaking paranoid. i’m always freaked out someone will rob me!

on the way there we stopped at the local supermarket, monoprix, where right away i found a pair of perfect beige/white flats for … 20 euro at 50% off. god bless the french sales. awesome shoes, which i wore later that day to dinner – really comfy. i’ll go back and see if i can get the same style in another color – its never bad to have flats on hand..! (especially light soled ones that can be worn on the boat :-) )

anyway, in our walking we walked into zara (karmun put up with my constant whining of “oh its the same thing as north america” – she said “no no, zara is far better in europe” – holy crap she was right). i blatantly, purposefully and desperately ignored all clothing and focused on the mission of the day – shoes. while i found nothing, karmun found the perfect platforms with grey straps. just gorgeous.

of course she was sweet enough to find me a pair in my size so now we have identical shoes in identical sized but holy crap they’re awesome :D

after that, despite a lot of stopping and looking and enjoying ourselves, no further purchases were done until the end when k found 2 tshirts. we stopped for coffee/breaks/etc twice; took a lot of cheesy photos; drank 5 small bottles of water. and i got robbed!

just kidding.


my pack of … cards … either fell out of my pocket or was swiped. i kept a tight hold on everything else but out of convienience, because everywhere its nice to play… cards … i kept the pack and the lighter (to, you know, light candles) in my pockets. no big loss. i’ll consider it my karma for pickpocketing fulfilled.

i was still mad paranoid – at one point i freaked out someone will swipe my watch. i’m leaving it at home now as to not to freak out!

we got home after a stop at monoprix for more water and to closer examine the clothing available. karmun left sooner due to exhaustion; i looked at everything and it was either my style but not my size or my size but not my style. no big loss because i feel like that area has been “checked off”.

for dinner we just walked around until we totally lucked into a cheap, delicious, french bistro, which had no tourists, no one spoke english, and was very busy. on the way there we passed through the japanese area and also noticed some pretty cheap shoe and clothing stores. coming monday a black adorable dress to an olya near you – i hope!! (and also some cheap stylish flats. i hope. really really!)

after a nice, very reasonably priced, dinner we went home and just chillaxed for about an hour. its hard to believe it is 1:45am right now – i’m still crazy jetlagged i guess! but time for sleep – busy plans for tomorrow. orsay, luxembourg gardens, shopping – if anything is actually open on sunday! – and montemarte in the evening :-)

paris, je t’aime – everything was beautiful. it didn’t rain a drop and was gorgeously sunny instead of the forecasted thunderstorms. and now they’re forecasting sun for the rest of the week. how lucky ARE we?

paris – end of day 1

woke up far too late – jet lag really messing with my head. basically woke up around 6-7pm – don’t really remember, except K still had fever and we weren’t sure how high is it. i got her a thermometer, and turns out the fever was still ~38.6 i think. freaking high. (that’s european i.e. celcius for you american peeps). she went back to sleep and got out while there was daylight – even at 9pm!!

took some photos (nothing yet to post, not the right laptop for processing – no apps on this thing). louvre was bathed in a golden sunset light; people in love walking around everywhere. i missed tim very much. it was really quite weird – i walked around louvre area, crossed the street, and went back into louvre, passing by the same places luke (friend from DA) and i walked 5 years ago. i remember the first time i saw the pyramids i actually had tears in my eyes – it was such a epic moment in my life. walking in the same alleyway as i entered the courtyard first, saxophone playing, was a really pleasant experience.

after walking around some, i decided that its getting closer to 10 and i should eat something. (yes, that’s pretty late, but jetlag and the late daylight REALLY does mess with you head!). kept on walking until i found a place that wasn’t too empty, too busy, and had no “we speak english” on the menu. thankfully they took my (10:30, very late) order – salad and steak, delicious! and of course, a “quartier” – no idea how much it really was, but a small jug-like – of beaujoulais wine. tasty, happy.  ate my dinner, read my book, and chatted a bit with some nice people in the tables near me. nothing special and yet so amazingly special.

eventually it was time to go – 11pm, it was getting dark. i took my sweet time stumbling back over the night parisian streets – people hanging out. i think jetlag helped me not freak out that i was walking by myself at what essentially ended up being 1am. when i reached out apartment, i found another open bar, sat for about 30 minutes more drinking more wine and reading my book, and then back to sleep.

or so i thought. the computer/jetlag meant i fell asleep at 6am, and woke up at 12pm. not so bad all things considered (i.e., well, falling asleep at 6am).

Paris – first few hours

A few notes on Paris in the first few hours…

  • cab was cheaper than expected…
  • my bank isn’t giving me enough money
  • the city is every bit heartbreakingly beautiful as i remember. how i long to live here one day….
  • wherever you walk, there’s history. the buildin in which our apartment is housed is from the 17th century. they renovated it but left the original beams in.
  • paris is clearly a city of fashion. looking out the window it looks like theres a sewing school – there is a room full of dress makers dummies
  • K found the best place to stay. louvre is literally 2 minutes away; i accidentally walked there when i was looking for a supermarket.
  • when i was walking away from louvre, a woman stopped me and started asking “Louvre?? Louvre??” and i politely replied “Uhm, oui – parlez vous Francais..? Anglais?..” to which she again said “Louvre?? Louvre?”” so I asked “Do you speak English?” and she said “Yes! English!” so I explained where the entrance is, and how to get there. She thanked me and then said that my English is “beautiful”. I honestly replied that I’m from Canada. But – sweet! I look French!! At least to non French people!! :-)
  • the bread is so freaking awesome its not even funny. i’m afraid to try the croissants.
  • jet lag is totally messing with my head. its 1:30pm and i’m crazy sleepy. going to go nap soon.
  • i love, love, love, love LOVE this city. it pains me how much i love it. the building across the street from my balcony has a stone medallion at the top that says “1840 1917”, and is madly decorated with carvings. too gorgeous.
  • Weird dreams

    Had a dream where I couldn’t get the alarm to shut up unless it was pointed correctly at some satellite. I think one of the cats was just blocking it.

    Weird dreams in general.
    Am excited about Paris! Found an iPod app that shows the subway and calculates the route. 5 years ago I could only get the free limited app for palm; today I spent the 99c with no fear. Yay me!

    my weekend summarized

    until this friday, sailing didn’t present any particularly special enjoyment for me. it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t really that FUN either – just a nice way to spend an afternoon.

    starting this friday, i am hooked. the wind, the water, the sun, the ability to relax – or be active – or take a nap – or be focused – or eat – and all with people you love – is just incredible. and all of this on the water. i can’t can’t can’t wait until it gets warm enough to swim!!

    friday: we took out leo and ella, two of our dear friends. i’ve met leo at work about a year ago, and we’ve became great friends. (ella is his girlfriend). we went out around 5:30pm and came back after dark – it REALLY sucked to have to away from the boat! so we decided to sleep over the next night.

    saturday morning was full of small problems and issues – i gave the wrong number to our next group of guests; tim forgot his bad at home; cats were out of food; so instead of getting to the boat by 11, i ended up getting on it at 1pm together with our guests (chloe, glenn, ivan and claudia – both couples i’ve met at work too). none the less, nothing else was forgotten, and we had an awesome sail until about 7-8pm. after a leisurely couple of hours on the shore, another kind sailor invited us for a night cruise.

    that guy was AWESOME. he took us (10 people all included) for a cruise around inner harbour – that’s right near the waterfront – pulling up the docks (club), t&t (apparently no water parking is allowed), some massive boats, and eventually harbourfront, where we picked up burgers. that was INSANE. drive through, only… swim through. no one really complained either :-)
    night was spent on the boat, which went awesomely well.

    sunday – woke up (at 10am!) to a lovely breakfast made by tim, had a nice long waking up, and still spent a few hours cleaning (at times violently, as when i found a white cocoon of some bug and went on a massive angry bleaching rampage. the boat is now safe. tim helped.) and was done by like 1.

    sailed from ~2pm until ~8pm, and then after a complicated situation with keys that involved my dad driving down (lets just say, out of 2 sets of keys, one was on the boat and one was in the water, when we were at the car) we got home by 9:30pm. exhausting. awesome. can’t wait to do it again.

    to summarize: this weekend, starting at friday 5pm until sunday 9pm consisted of sailing, awesome people, awesome food, and awesome times. i can’t wait to do this again, and again, and again.

    going to work tomorrow will be VERY VERY difficult.

    note to self: june 12th was the day i fell in love with sailing.


    most mornings i wake out of a vivid dream; probably because i go to sleep too late, and wake up early enough to hit the dream cycle. its so difficult to drag myself out of bed when there’s this beautiful, interesting, weird world that i could stay in just a few minutes longer.

    often i end up dreaming of people who are not in my life anymore – ex-es, friends from europe, australia. i love those dreams! last night was a creepy one though – i dreamt an ex and i were hanging out, and then he turned into a black dog. not threatening, but still weird.

    fell off the wagon

    i was posting what i ate to this site DAILY for over a month. and then last week, and weekend i had MAD work, plus studying for the exam, plus busy evenings…. and i fell off the wagon.

    as much as it sucks to admit that i basically have nothing entered for 3 days, sucking it up and restarting it again, fully honest, starting today. yeech. horrible.

    how much did i get done?

    not … all of it. but most of it. and sometimes in not the right order.

    but i did get to sleep in until 12. what a bliss!

    1. pick up keys from work
    2. pick up vase from work
    3. get flowers
    4. return empty beer bottles
    5. do a pedicure
    6. clean up the papers, binders, notes, post-its, index cards, highlighters, pens, books left over from my studying all over the place
    7. take a bath (probably before 5)
    8. read a book
    9. bike
    10. go to tims bosses party
    11. get food
    12. clean up kitchen, throw out trash
    13. edit and send coworkers photo