paris – day 2 – champs d’elysee

day 2 started at 12pm by karmun waking me up. she was feeling better, and we fairly efficiently got out and to the nearest cafe to have coffee and a sandwich for breakfast. again, jetlag meant i woke up starving – i dont think i ever wake up THAT hungry.

after a quick non remarkable sandwich and a pretty decent cappuccino off we went – by foot – across the gardens, and to champs d’elysee. what a gorgeous, elegant, lovely street, which made me so freaking paranoid. i’m always freaked out someone will rob me!

on the way there we stopped at the local supermarket, monoprix, where right away i found a pair of perfect beige/white flats for … 20 euro at 50% off. god bless the french sales. awesome shoes, which i wore later that day to dinner – really comfy. i’ll go back and see if i can get the same style in another color – its never bad to have flats on hand..! (especially light soled ones that can be worn on the boat :-) )

anyway, in our walking we walked into zara (karmun put up with my constant whining of “oh its the same thing as north america” – she said “no no, zara is far better in europe” – holy crap she was right). i blatantly, purposefully and desperately ignored all clothing and focused on the mission of the day – shoes. while i found nothing, karmun found the perfect platforms with grey straps. just gorgeous.

of course she was sweet enough to find me a pair in my size so now we have identical shoes in identical sized but holy crap they’re awesome :D

after that, despite a lot of stopping and looking and enjoying ourselves, no further purchases were done until the end when k found 2 tshirts. we stopped for coffee/breaks/etc twice; took a lot of cheesy photos; drank 5 small bottles of water. and i got robbed!

just kidding.


my pack of … cards … either fell out of my pocket or was swiped. i kept a tight hold on everything else but out of convienience, because everywhere its nice to play… cards … i kept the pack and the lighter (to, you know, light candles) in my pockets. no big loss. i’ll consider it my karma for pickpocketing fulfilled.

i was still mad paranoid – at one point i freaked out someone will swipe my watch. i’m leaving it at home now as to not to freak out!

we got home after a stop at monoprix for more water and to closer examine the clothing available. karmun left sooner due to exhaustion; i looked at everything and it was either my style but not my size or my size but not my style. no big loss because i feel like that area has been “checked off”.

for dinner we just walked around until we totally lucked into a cheap, delicious, french bistro, which had no tourists, no one spoke english, and was very busy. on the way there we passed through the japanese area and also noticed some pretty cheap shoe and clothing stores. coming monday a black adorable dress to an olya near you – i hope!! (and also some cheap stylish flats. i hope. really really!)

after a nice, very reasonably priced, dinner we went home and just chillaxed for about an hour. its hard to believe it is 1:45am right now – i’m still crazy jetlagged i guess! but time for sleep – busy plans for tomorrow. orsay, luxembourg gardens, shopping – if anything is actually open on sunday! – and montemarte in the evening :-)

paris, je t’aime – everything was beautiful. it didn’t rain a drop and was gorgeously sunny instead of the forecasted thunderstorms. and now they’re forecasting sun for the rest of the week. how lucky ARE we?