oh yeah

the reason i even opened blog to write:

i’m sitting at this great bar that’s facing outwards to the walkway (and has 2 chargers!) and it’s delightful to see ebb and flow in front of me. it alternates with slow walking of those who work in the airport, determined and beautiful stride of airline workers, determined shuffles of business travellers, mildly stressed fast waddling of mid-western americans with awful tshirts and sweats, and full on running of families with kids and individuals trying to catch a flight. the beautiful people with totally matched up outfits, women in high heels with tiny bags (WHAT ARE THEY THINKING, but also respect). young consultants in suits; old consultants in slacks with shirts. european campers with big backpacks. a curious lack of couples in this weave of humanity now that i think of it.

ooh, drug sniffing focused dog. adorable/interesting.

anyway, that’s all, it’s fun here and i like this place. (2 proseccos help)

32 countries

i did it for the burning man census