i love stress of this kind. interesting assignments, tight deadlines, awesome people. aaaaaah, JOY.
i love stress.
trying to keep track of my life
ignore the messed up layout. its a WIP.
tim’s in toronto!
i swear, this guy’s voice haunts me. the song is just so heart wrenching, and that was even before i looked up the words. it was on one of the romantic collection disks, if any one knows these.
sold book for 40$
went to the library, paid a 32$ fine.
how’s that for karma?
my room is complete. its peaceful to the utmost degree now. i couldn’t imagine a more comfortable space. maybe if i could figure in a couch, it’d be awesomer, but its a room not an apartment.
the day was linguistics diagrams galore. i’m good at those. must be the digital circuits class and my general enjoyment of charts.
a thought has been crossing my mind lately, about how good it is to feel comfortable in your own skin. it sounds silly, but its exactly how it feels. a feeling of comfort. maybe it has to do with comfortable clothes intead? i don’t know.
the booq case is kicking ass. i’m so much more comfortable carrying my laptop around now!
i tried to setup an rss aggregator on this site to get links from people over at modblog and mahaon.org. its not working. so that will also be delayed.
all in all i’m happy with the website being empty of everything though. it feels more like i want it to feel.
lets try out image posting again.
friday was marked by 3 events. other than working and leaving a bit early (mwahahaha for luxury of 4:45 ditching… ain’t it sad? at least i’m working off honestly the hours that i missed for those two days of LA. note to self: talk to scott on monday about going to the conference, and figure out transportation stuffs.), going home and being unable to actually fall asleep, despite not drinking that delicious, delicious coffee, the first half of the day was markedly un interesting.
it is the second half, which begins at 7pm for me, that was exciting.
first of all, my dad finished building a new bookcase for my room. i’m not showing pictures – yet – as i want everything to be done and then do a proper interior photo. but its cool. trust me. it makes me smile when i look at it. its so cool you’ll want to move in with me. really, even you. with me. its stunning. its the best thing since sliced bread and even that pales a little bit. except sliced bread sucks? hmm.
second of all, i drove to pick up my shiny new booq bag! its as awesome as it looks, and while it was on the pricier side of things, it feels so incredibly well made and like such a fantastic protection, that i feel its worth it. i’m sure it will stand up to the kind of abuse that i put my things to. and now when i carry my laptop around, i don’t have to worry about the bag being water proof! “Simply put, Vyper has to be the coolest laptop sleeve. We sandwiched durable, semi-rigid high density foam between a layer of 1682D cross-weave ballistic nylon on the exterior and a super non-scratch lining on the interior – an effective blend. ” indeed.
the next exciting thing wasn’t that awesome after all. due to a large misunderstanding of personal habits, maha and i weren’t able to meet up after all. she didn’t think i wouldn’t hear the phone, and i didn’t think she wouldn’t knock. soo, instead of going out, i stayed home, finished a healthy amount of wine (i’m not sure who it was healthy for, but it felt good), watched tv and pretty much did absolutely nothing. i’d be lying if i said that it wasn’t good – i feel rested for the first time in a week.
after that, i pretty much have had about, oh, 12-13 hours of sleep. woke up at nearly 2pm, and nearly immedately ran to my linguistics’s partner’s house. ran == driven by mom.
fast forward to 11::45pm, she dropped me off at home (she == the partner), and so i was here, wasting time for 2 hours. awesome stuff, so relaxing! tomorrow, its another day of linguistics and finishing off my room (mmm photos), and monday will be awesome! yes. toronto will be welcoming the cssu president.
so i’m trying to personalize this blog. the noobs who liked my design yesterday didn’t realize it was broken ;)
so the idea is that this is going to be very pale so that i can start intermingling photographs ala photo blog style with posts.
thursday – heavy work day, in a good and a bad way. i’m glad its the end of the week… except it seems i will have to continue working into the weekend nevertheless – i don’t have a single evening of just sleep.
my room’s also gonna go a change soon. new bookcase, new “computer table” (which is going to be far less of a computer table than the thing i have now – but more stylish! all that’s left is a normal bed, which ikea lacks.
grr, stupid photo upload plugin isn’t working. i’m done for today. i had a photo to post, but blah. not today i suppose.
while the day was full of STUFF: work was exciting, positively so, study was exciting, notsopositivelyso, coming home at 9pm again was exciting, positively so (parents bought the IKEA stuff that i was looking for), and evening was exciting as another episode of ‘dead like me’ appeared on tmondemand, the feeling is washed out.
i’ve been unable to kick myself into bed early enough to get 7 hours sleep and unless i go NOW, its going to be another night like that. its horrible – this week i havent gotten more than 5 hours of sleep on any given night. can’t be healthy, but i want to RELAX. sleeping is healthy, but its the mental relaxation that i need. i need to read, to design, to edit photographs, to listen to music, to watch tv. and so this mental relaxation cuts into my sleep time. but i neeeeed this myself time. i can’t stand this constant socialization. and its insane… 20 emails to reply to is a constant. people at work are going crazy lately, so many things are being released, people switching jobs, so everyone are on their heads. and msn/icq is always there too, and the phone and AH. no surprise i can’t handle deviantART.
i think this was sufficiently egocentric for a typical blog. good night!
date: 1117466688
mood: HEADACHE. kill.
listening to:delerium songs
i’m going to LA in 2 weeks!11!!oneoneone.
date: 1112439975
mood: constant buzz after finishing all the horrible assignments. a+++++++++++
listening to:di.fm euro trance over mac mini. we got 2 win laptops,1 mac mini, and 1 linux box. and a kvm. (google it) and a psp. and a x31. and wireless mice. and lcd screen. and like 10 cellphones. techie heaven!
man, you know, you don’t know life until you had 3 days of insane lack-of-sleep mixed in with horrible nightmares and strange sleeping and waking up and back to sleep patterns, combined with insane assignments and handing in stuff 2/3 days late (who knows how much they’ll take off for that essay), followed by 2 nights of awesome going out with incredible funny, intersting, cool, diverse people who are open to heading to a chinese place at 4 am to get some “cold tea” aka beer served in tea pots. combined with a till-5-am night of drinking after handing in the above mentioned assignments. basically, going to bars and/or house parties is just kick ass. u of t makes you realize life to the fullest. intense thinking, intense work, intense relaxation. life is about the extremes, man.
extremes make life what it is. crash badly, rise highly, and thus crash again, only to come back to the high. that’s how i live my life now, and for what its worth at this 5:51am moment buzzed-on-cold-tea, its awesome.
hell, i bought a shirt today and some stuff from la senza! and make up. new mascara. yay. i can be a girl AND do cs. maybe i’ll fail the cs part, but hey, i can still be a girl. a girl who kicks it with 5 guys and fits in.
man, i wish i realized when i was 16 that life has all this stuff ahead of me. we’re young, and we’re living it up, and that’s how it works.
in other news, tim got himself a psp. what’s a psp? view and weep. i hope to be able one day to just figure that today i want to get an awesome toy and some games for it. or like a camera. cause at this rate, its the same cost.
i’ve been swearing a lot today. i guess it comes from drinking with guys-only for 2 days.
so far:
thursday: drinking with CS people in einsteins.
friday: drinking with CS people @ tim’s place + china town
saturday (yet to come): drinking/eating with maha, scarf, tim downtown.
sunday: ???
monday: PROFIT
[if you get this joke please comment.]
and to wrap up, photos: (just to kill your bandwidth)
unrealized plan of moscow.
canadians were un P.C.!.
date: 1108881080
mood: exahusted from this suppsedly relaxed week, at least it’ll be over soon.
listening to:abba – does your mother know
went to the hospital, taking antibiotics. sinus infections are painful and not fun, don’t get them kids. not fun. blah. midterms.. not ready…
this is what happens when olya goes through old photographs. YOU might be next! mwahahahaha!
You’re so hot, teasing me
So you’re blue but I can’t take a chance on a chick like you
That’s something I couldn’t do
There’s that look in your eyes
I can read in your face that your feelings are driving you wild
Ah, but girl you’re only a child
Well I can dance with you honey
If you think it’s funny
Does your mother know that you’re out?
And I can chat with you baby
Flirt a little maybe
Does your mother know that you’re out?
(yes, and an emberassing song to boot too!)
date: 1105687079
mood: irresponsible
listening to:scarf music just in my head cause he aint giving it to me
i hate this country.
now that this optimistic statement is out of the way, i wanted to share my week with you. each day, i had classes starting at 1 (except today, 12, and i was a fantastic loser and was 20 minutes late… i ended up not even finding the room. it wasn’t a class, but a one time tutorial. i presume its not the end of days. otherwise i’m on the ball, more or less. this weekend will show how well i can work, considering i have 4 assignments assigned for next 2 weeks, and a huge essay that i should start preparing for now…). so, yeah, 1. then an hour of class. then an hour break, or 4 hour break, which i invariably ended up spending with profs or studying. after that another 2 hour class, and another break, and then 6-9 class. i mean, you saw my schedule, but all that empty space is filled up in my palm pilot with hues of red, blue and green (i have a 9 color coding system, for classes, meetings, tutorials, h/w preparation, friend meeting, stuff i should do, etc)
yeah, im tired. i guess i am not used to this 9 hours a day of thinking… it sounds like a little, but it feels like hell of a lot more.
so, yeah, churches.
europe is full of churches. its nice in a way, i don’t look at them as a religious thing, but a nice thing of old architecture and silence, and peacefulness aside.
and it seems that each city makes it responsibility to have a church of our lady. i understand mary is a big deal and all, but translated it “notre dame”, which freaks you out quite a bit when you’re not actually in paris and see this sign.
the photo is in luxembourg, by the way. the church is called notre dame. and despite crappy weather that we caught when we went there, the city was soaked through european with charm. over canada, i would take that. even though it was not nearly as nice as other cities (which grantedly, were far warmer, and less grey-weathered).
i’m still not over it. i miss it. i want to leave this place.
oh yeah, and the no words thing? i guess i wasn’t being truthful. but its my blog, so no words just means the photo is the key… i guess… or something. next time it’ll be all silent again.