(Dominant Introverted Abstract Feeler)

You are an ARTIST (DIAF)— creative, adventurous, and deep. Although you are an introvert, your dominant ideas lead you to assert yourself often— especially through your work. You actively put your creativity to constructive use, and because you are ruled by your heart you are less likely to be inhibited by logic.

You have an intuitive understanding of emotion and know how evoke it in others, but the real world can be a prison of foolishness and embarrassment if you don’t get your head out of the clouds a little more. Also, you are 87% likely to write poetry take photographs. Please, for the love of God, stop now.

ohmygosh, its saturday? why didn’t anyone tell me!

so, its saturday… night of all things. (scroll until SKIP HERE if you want the juice)

lets go retroactively from wednesday.

i think i wore the green skirt and brown boots and something else fairly boring. i can’t even remember what i did that day!

then, thursday, was more fun, at least memory wise. it was pub night with the cssu, and my parents went out to a dinner and a concert in the evening, leading to them picking me up from downtown.

so, thursday i wore my gorgeous orange/brown homemade skirt from india (yess, mom saved me! i have no idea how she remade that skirt – the middle is indian skirt (orange patterns), bottom is a brown velvet trim, and the top is a long waist in the same velvet, brown. very very stylish. ankle length, and awesome deep brown lining too. and the glitzy shoes and … i think brown shirt? yeah, brown shirt, and the light jacket – it was a warm day.

i believe wednesday we went to sleep fairly late, so i barely made it to the morning tutorial, where 15 minutes before the end the guy went “i’ll go get your midterms” and never returned. so i still haven’t seen the midterm i failed. yeaaah.

afterwards i was supposed to meet christina, except i never got in touch with her, so at 4 i ended up going to kensington (yess for biking), getting some groceries, coming to tim’s, cooking chicken and rice (it was alright – mushrooms, pepper and chiken and busmati rice, but i gotta be BRAVER with spices and get some onion which would just raise that dish to a whole other level), and then heading to class…

… which was cancelled. my favourite class! the psychology! damnint! buut its 6pm and its cssu pub night, so i went over to the cssu and headed out to einsteins around 7. ‘t was very nice! we drank, we laughed, we watched leafes lose (again, unsurprisingly), and then i got intouch with my parents and biked over to tim’s, where they picked me up.

home – watched csi, fell asleep in front of the tv.


woke up lateish, did a bunch of stuff around the house – cleaned up the room all nice, did laundry (yesss, finally!), chatted with mom, returned dvds, replied to some email, did no homework… better than the usual anyway.

in the evening, picked up a grand plate of sushi (50$ for 80 pieces. pretty sweet) and went over to hesi’s.

what i wore on friday
absolute hottness IMHO. black pleated skirt (very sexy, nice material, nice cut, and about knee length, but twirly), black tube top and over it bright pink very low cut top in similarly shimmery/silky material. i felt awesome. and hesi’s fantastic hairbrush fixed my terrible hair for the time being.

we drank, we danced with tim to tango from mr and mrs smith and it was absolutely AWESOME!!. the whole evening was fantastic.

until the best part ever. SKIP HERE IF YOU WANT THE JUICE

tim and i came home around 12:30 am. my dad was still up. so he comes downstairs from the computer, and tim after chatting with him for a while convinces him to go shoot some of my parents tequilla.

what happens next is that all 3 of us down 1 shot of tequilla, and then tim and my dad (yes. my father. the dad of tim’s girlfriend) proceed to down 2 more tequilla shots each, finishing half a bottle, then both have a shot of inferno vodka, and then both have 2 … yes, TWO, more shots of absolute.

after the 2 shots i left to the washroom. i return. they both tell me they need 2 more minutes.

i go away. i come back. they kick me out again. i go hang the dried laundry, make my bed, clean room some more… i come back. they ask for another 2 minutes. i leave again, check email, again, come back and its impossible to separate them. they bonded. on a higher, macho level. i’m pretty sure they were talking about women or something.

at which point my mom comes down and helps me convince them to go to sleep… so they get up and tim falls down (!!) in front of both my parents (!!) on the floor :P my dad (!!!) helps him up and *carries* (well like tim leaned and dad hauled him over) to my room. my mom helps me prepare water for tomorrow’s morning, and jokes and worries with me about how much they drank and how will they be tomorrow. both of the males at this point are in my room slurring something to eachother. i come in, kick dad out. (which was difficult in itself, i had to use the “this is indecent, get out of my room!” line! hah.) at which point tim and i go outside, and tim falls down. again. outside.

in parallel, as later told to me by my mom, dad upon entering the bed room says (IN ENGLISH) “good boy.” and *falls asleep*.

tim passes out on the bed and i drag him under the sheets, and go do some stuff online before turning into bed too.

next “morning”, they both got up at 3pm, unbelievably hung over.

tim doesn’t remember anything after inferno.

dad doesn’t remember anything after tequilla.

but they both woke up in a great mood, and both are convinced they had a great night (and from what i witnessed, they had a fantastic night).

after waking up and having breakfast (i cooked some good breakfast!), and lots of coffee, tim and i head downtown with some chairs for his party.

yesss, we’re drinking.


and playing poker, where i miserably lost, and that’s why i’m blogging while nicole, tim and meto are finishing their game, where the chip leader keeps moving from one of them to another, but no one is fully out. i suck at poker! and i hate losing! doesn’t spoil the general goodness of life, but i am a really sore loser. there’s a reason i don’t like competitive sports.

like, rockclimbing aint competitive. your main competition is the pain in your fingers.

oh yeah, what am i wearing?i’m wearing my favourite jeans (there’s only one pair i always wear – a little low in the back but longer shirts cover the low cut), black shoes from paris (like sport puma slippers but all black and really cute and sport) and a black top from paris (wow, that’s ironic – shoes i got and shirt mom got) which is sleeveless with a deep V cut, and gathered at the top with this diamod shaped embroidered thingie, and loose bottom. really cute, hot and comfortable. (the shirt. i don’t know about my look).

and i just downed a jaggerblaster (jagger + redbull). hope this update was satisfactory!

2 days, lots of links, and soup

my ohmygosh glitzy shoe. its REALLY far sparklier than the photo monday:
wore: was a super nice stylish warm day. i’m feelin’ great lately, and i decided that i’m not going to bother dressing up for halloween and just use the warm weather to be happy. long peasant green skirt (mm, france), brown long sleeve cotton shirt, with an embroidered v cut (its not v, its a rectangle, and its deep ;) ), with feather decorations, a load of bracelets, brown boots (oh how i love thee, brown boots), and a grey sweater (to cover up the indecency of the low cut, and for warmth). and i think a red jacket (yes-it-doesn’t-match-but-i-still-love-it). and of course the paul frank bag.
did: headed downtown, talked to oleg and organized stuff about australia for a long time. ran out my laptop’s battery, which at this point runs out *more than twice as fast* as oleg’s far younger computer of the same make (thinkpad x31). then headed home, gave out candy to the HORDES of kids that came by, and then headed downtown and got drunk with tim. mmm, einsteins and there was a seriously crazy lady! the whole room was laughing at her crazyness. it was awesome!

wore: brown shoes with the chain loops (see picture), blue jeans (mm comfy), an oversized white guess dress shirt and a smaller brown jacket (the one from france, awesome silloutte), with a beige scarf on top (thin, from tim’s grandma). in the evening aforementioned grey sweater was added for warmth. very shaggy, multi layered look is happening – white shirt is peeking out underneath it all, and i think it looks awesome. oh and a red beret completes the punch of color.

did: morning (aah, hangover) was pancakes at bahen – cssu was organizing a pancake sale. it was tasty and i ate too much (which is good). morning is 12pm. at 1 i went to databases… the prof is lesser of two evils, but she blames us on half the class failing. i say its her fault for shitty teaching, and hard tests. my other classes (during which, as right now for example) have normal averages. afterwards jetted to history of philosophy of science, which was reasonably fun and interesting.
then i went to get teh best soup. blissfully alone. so awesome. i so need this time to spend with myself. an hour of reading scary stories on fark and eating soup and being happy. then i went to current class of philosophy of science.

time wasting – not:
free software to block your temptation programs. smart idea. i’ll use it!
best. website. ever. its about ORGANIZING LIFE. cleaning up LISTS. aaah, yesss. joys piled on top. and then there is this for an organized home. how am i supposed to do any work with all this great organization reading!

slamming it

was an easy going day.
moved back home from tim’s: rolled up jeans, brown boots (mm, so hot), red jacket (i’ll need it to come down later during the week – i need to bust out my beige one soon before it gets too cold), and blue v neck shirt (very cute). and the paul frank bag which apparently has coolness. and red hat – a beret.

later in the evening, to go out for late night guilty sushi with hesi: jeans, sneakers, black sweater (france, two vertical zippers on the sides), red jacket, and red hat – same one. and the bag, same, again.

home: grey paris sweatshirt, jeans

thoughts on travel

motorcycle diaries 1
“What do we leave behind when we cross each frontier? Each moment seems split in two; melancholy for what was left behind and the excitement of entering a new land. “

Miner’s Wife: Are you two looking for work? Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: No, we aren’t looking for work.
Miner’s Wife: No?… Then why are you traveling?
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna: We travel just to travel.
Miner’s Wife: Bless you… Blessed be your travels.