these guys actually wanted to buy fourbysix from me at one point, so weird they’re advertising on mefi. WEIRD.

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What you got?
Smart money bettin’
I’ll be better off without you
In no time
I’ll be forgettin’ all about you
You saying that you know
But I really really doubt you
Understand my life is easy
When I ain’t around you
Iggy Iggy
To biggie to be here stressin’
I’m thinkin’ I love the thought of you
More than I love your presence
And the best thing now
Is probably for you to exit
I let you go
Let you back
I finally learned my lesson!
No half-stepping
Either you want it or you just playin’
I’m listening to you knowin’
I can’t believe what you’re sayin’
There’s a million you’s baby boo
So don’t be dumb
I got 99 problems
But you won’t be one
Like what!


Gareth emailed meĀ again, 8 days ago, with anotherĀ “I miss you”. The emails slowed down but it’s been, like, over a year now. (Way over a year… I left in July-ish?). Those emails are akin to my smoking nightmares, a nice and regular reminder of how close of a call with crazy I missed.


Travel fun in Paris

Landed in Paris. I kept not being able to check in for Hanoi but I figured it’s the requirement to see a visa for Vietnam. Arrived. Got to kiosk. My flight to Hanoi was cancelled apparently. I’m waiting to see how they will get me there. Exciting !!!!

I missed travel and I’m sooooo excited and happy that it’s not going to be a regular trip. Ha!

Packed carryon and super super light – like carryon suitcase is half empty! – happy that’s the case as less headache now.

I’d love a coffee but I can’t leave until I know when my Hanoi flight will happen. Did I mention how giddy I am about this turn of events? Eeee!!!!!

