feeling good (or not)

butter sculpture

the past few days have been riddled with mixed feelings. on one hand, i was wearing a very cute “feeling” shirt (it says “FEELING” on it, and the shirt is light, cute, baby blue), on the other, i was feeling sick and tired and very very unwell the entire of friday. i even skipped class, for the first time, as i couldn’t concentrate on something like an email, let alone a hard math class.

i have a big assignment due on sunday wednesday thanks to the extention, in AI. i can’t wait to be done with CS courses. no clue how i ended up being so far into the degree, but i’m glad i’m almost done. at least i did learn some useful things i’ll be able to apply in the facianating field of web management! haha.

i took pretty pictures today as first i made breakfast, and then lesley ann. my favourite one is the butter uptop there. i really really love it, even though its just butter.

i can’t wait to be done with the assignment.

also, i ate sushi take out today. it sucked, compared to toronto’s sushi that i love, but it was not as bad as bad sushi could be. appreciate your luck, people, i’d kill for a nice salmon piece right now. yuuummmm….

weighing chocolate

pan art

cooking space

russian pancakes

5 thoughts on “feeling good (or not)”

  1. wow the breakfast pictures are beautiful. and i hope you feel better soon. a cute shirt is no substitute for proper rest and care of yourself :)

  2. i havent commented in a while, and i’ll surely take the time to do so in a less hectic time for me, because i truly enjoyed reading your awesome entries.
    i really hope your pain isn’t too serious and that you’re gonna feel much better soon!

    (and to summarize all i haven’t commented on… you rock! ;)

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