can’t move my neck

this entire day has been a small nightmare as i’ve had a headache, and an incredible neck pain that basically means that i spent the whole day in bed. LA gave me tigerbalm which i’m rubbing every so often to burn away the muscle pain but i still can’t really move or do anything. i’m tired. i want to be healthy, and not tired, and i’ve been sleeping poorly lately. whats up with all that? is it the season change or something?

6 thoughts on “can’t move my neck”

  1. o.0
    i’m assuming you googled already, but just in case,

    “Neck pain accompanied by a headache and fever could be a symptom of meningitis, an infection of the membranes that surround your brain. If your neck is so stiff that you can’t touch your chin to your chest, you should seek immediate medical attention.”

  2. o.O tiger balm is the chinese cure-all. it’s supposed to fix everything from menstrual pain to pimples. i think it will heal your sore neck. sounds like you have a muscle strain from tension and exhaustion. maybe take something to help you sleep and rest for a day or so. if you don’t feel better, get it checked out by a doctor.

  3. это старость man
    you’re not a 19yo girl anymore

  4. well i could move my neck forward, just not to the sides, and the menigitis thing was the first thing kevin asked, so YAY FOR KNOWLEGEABLE FLATMATES.

  5. is that me or am i too wasted to comment on the right post?
    you should have a look on the previous post (sorry :/)

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