to find a place in my budget with a view like this:

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I spent 2 DELIGHTFUL nights research AirBnbs in Paris and then realized I want a church view.

So I used Google Maps to find all the churches in the region that I wanted, and then used AirBnb “zoom in and find here” search to look at places that are as close as possible to churches.

50-60 churches later, here we are!

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I still can’t believe I just decided to book this but… Parov Stelar! In Paris! In March! (and then 4 more days of leisure AND a layover in Zurich.)

This will be FANTASTIC.


Shopping in New York was delightful.

Uniqlo heat tech stuff which is MAGICAL OMFG

fantastic topshop boots. And a hat!

Sweater too!

 A crazy sale at Eileen fisher which is a fancy and delightfully great store I haven’t owned anything from – a sweater and a top – and a ton of conversations and a few contacts in restessr context.

Hot skirt from a boutique.

I think I’m gonna stop buying stuff but it was amazing to be meeting people and having wine and making useful connections.
Mmmmmm life I missed you being awesome. This is delightful.

new york is my spirit animal

the trip to new york was magical and recharging and i came back at normal levels of happy and excited about life.

i even went out and got totally drunk (Happy drunk!) with tom last night, which we haven’t done in ages. kind of not great for my health, i’m certain – and wow, i guess at 31 i am actually thinking of my health for the first time ever which is super weird…. but yes anyway.

landed late monday night, tuesday FLEW, wednesday FLEW (crazy busy/stressful at work – but SO MUCH easier to handle when i feel happy and normal!).

woot woot life is WONDERFUL. <3 :)

I went sorta vegetarian for November. Fish and seafood excepted. Also chicken stock because it may make an appearance (hasn’t yet! But I can’t guarantee such craziness as not to have stock!)

Whoever is picking the playlist in this airport lounge has a funny taste. We just were treated to Paris Hiltons “stars are blind”, and Britney Spears “oops I did it again”

Work trip to New York. One week with “fashiony” events and gym and i packed into a carry on. Let’s hope it fits (it should! It doesn’t expand). 

Will loaned me his lounge pass and I had a light dinner and wine whilst doing expenses. Business travel for all its headaches makes me so happy. 

Next song is Beat It, so at least we’re out of the saccharine pop zone. Phew. 

Two people in the waiting area are wearing face masks. Huh. (Like to protect breath). It makes sense but feels weird.