some photographs from the month of july
trying to keep track of my life
some photographs from the month of july
i swear, this guy’s voice haunts me. the song is just so heart wrenching, and that was even before i looked up the words. it was on one of the romantic collection disks, if any one knows these.
sold book for 40$
went to the library, paid a 32$ fine.
how’s that for karma?
my room is complete. its peaceful to the utmost degree now. i couldn’t imagine a more comfortable space. maybe if i could figure in a couch, it’d be awesomer, but its a room not an apartment.
the day was linguistics diagrams galore. i’m good at those. must be the digital circuits class and my general enjoyment of charts.
a thought has been crossing my mind lately, about how good it is to feel comfortable in your own skin. it sounds silly, but its exactly how it feels. a feeling of comfort. maybe it has to do with comfortable clothes intead? i don’t know.
the booq case is kicking ass. i’m so much more comfortable carrying my laptop around now!
i tried to setup an rss aggregator on this site to get links from people over at modblog and its not working. so that will also be delayed.
all in all i’m happy with the website being empty of everything though. it feels more like i want it to feel.
lets try out image posting again.
friday was marked by 3 events. other than working and leaving a bit early (mwahahaha for luxury of 4:45 ditching… ain’t it sad? at least i’m working off honestly the hours that i missed for those two days of LA. note to self: talk to scott on monday about going to the conference, and figure out transportation stuffs.), going home and being unable to actually fall asleep, despite not drinking that delicious, delicious coffee, the first half of the day was markedly un interesting.
it is the second half, which begins at 7pm for me, that was exciting.
first of all, my dad finished building a new bookcase for my room. i’m not showing pictures – yet – as i want everything to be done and then do a proper interior photo. but its cool. trust me. it makes me smile when i look at it. its so cool you’ll want to move in with me. really, even you. with me. its stunning. its the best thing since sliced bread and even that pales a little bit. except sliced bread sucks? hmm.
second of all, i drove to pick up my shiny new booq bag! its as awesome as it looks, and while it was on the pricier side of things, it feels so incredibly well made and like such a fantastic protection, that i feel its worth it. i’m sure it will stand up to the kind of abuse that i put my things to. and now when i carry my laptop around, i don’t have to worry about the bag being water proof! “Simply put, Vyper has to be the coolest laptop sleeve. We sandwiched durable, semi-rigid high density foam between a layer of 1682D cross-weave ballistic nylon on the exterior and a super non-scratch lining on the interior – an effective blend. ” indeed.
the next exciting thing wasn’t that awesome after all. due to a large misunderstanding of personal habits, maha and i weren’t able to meet up after all. she didn’t think i wouldn’t hear the phone, and i didn’t think she wouldn’t knock. soo, instead of going out, i stayed home, finished a healthy amount of wine (i’m not sure who it was healthy for, but it felt good), watched tv and pretty much did absolutely nothing. i’d be lying if i said that it wasn’t good – i feel rested for the first time in a week.
after that, i pretty much have had about, oh, 12-13 hours of sleep. woke up at nearly 2pm, and nearly immedately ran to my linguistics’s partner’s house. ran == driven by mom.
fast forward to 11::45pm, she dropped me off at home (she == the partner), and so i was here, wasting time for 2 hours. awesome stuff, so relaxing! tomorrow, its another day of linguistics and finishing off my room (mmm photos), and monday will be awesome! yes. toronto will be welcoming the cssu president.
so i’m trying to personalize this blog. the noobs who liked my design yesterday didn’t realize it was broken ;)
so the idea is that this is going to be very pale so that i can start intermingling photographs ala photo blog style with posts.
thursday – heavy work day, in a good and a bad way. i’m glad its the end of the week… except it seems i will have to continue working into the weekend nevertheless – i don’t have a single evening of just sleep.
my room’s also gonna go a change soon. new bookcase, new “computer table” (which is going to be far less of a computer table than the thing i have now – but more stylish! all that’s left is a normal bed, which ikea lacks.
grr, stupid photo upload plugin isn’t working. i’m done for today. i had a photo to post, but blah. not today i suppose.
while the day was full of STUFF: work was exciting, positively so, study was exciting, notsopositivelyso, coming home at 9pm again was exciting, positively so (parents bought the IKEA stuff that i was looking for), and evening was exciting as another episode of ‘dead like me’ appeared on tmondemand, the feeling is washed out.
i’ve been unable to kick myself into bed early enough to get 7 hours sleep and unless i go NOW, its going to be another night like that. its horrible – this week i havent gotten more than 5 hours of sleep on any given night. can’t be healthy, but i want to RELAX. sleeping is healthy, but its the mental relaxation that i need. i need to read, to design, to edit photographs, to listen to music, to watch tv. and so this mental relaxation cuts into my sleep time. but i neeeeed this myself time. i can’t stand this constant socialization. and its insane… 20 emails to reply to is a constant. people at work are going crazy lately, so many things are being released, people switching jobs, so everyone are on their heads. and msn/icq is always there too, and the phone and AH. no surprise i can’t handle deviantART.
i think this was sufficiently egocentric for a typical blog. good night!
and thus i have nearly completed migrating to my own website. i had some difficulties exporting old posts from modblog properly – category, date [due to my own lazyness], and comments are all lost. i’m not going to kill myself at this moment to add this information – hopefully modblog will release some sort of export tool that will allow me to preserve older posts.
sometime soon i’ll redesign this too :p
weeeee my own website!
date: 1072119300
mood: christmasness
listening to:pink – god is a dj
christmas would be so much more fun if you could find perfect gifts for people without stressing out about it and spending a shitload of money you don’t have!
object 1: olya
object 2: wall
slam 1 into 2 multiple # of times
this feels like what im doing
i’m so tired, i can’t do anything right
date: 1072426689
mood: random
listening to:sarah brightman – time to say goodbye
i had a weird few days. a roller coaster of emotions, a roller coaster of events, a lot of people and a lot of … well, emotions.
i’m just super emotional lately and its just … random. its not scientifically or logically conected to anything in my life. its just weird.
i get triggered so easily.
tomorrow people gone, me freedom, me repainting room, MMM interior design! woohoo.
i have cool hesi pants that i cant stop wearing.
date: 1072474280
mood: very melancholic
listening to:pearl jam – last kiss
this song is playing, and i’m cold, and i dont feel sad.
its a really weird thing. the song matches … the music is happy the words are ultra sad. i’m happy i’m alone but it screws me over in the fact i dont have paint, can’t get it, and can’t start painting my room.
which is very empty as everything is gone.
… oh where, oh where, could my baby be …
date: 1072654131
mood: hyper, happy, frustrated
listening to:prodigy – the fat of the land album, crystal method – vegas, dj shadow
next time, note to self, dont press enter until the ntry is FINISHED.
my room is PURE white now but i hate everything that i do with it. its really weird, i was okay with the way it was before but now its just “blah” its all “boring”. and then i went to wash my hands and i realized how pretty my bathroom is! i have a bowl with river rocks from all the trips i took (some from ocean from cuba tehre too!) and bamboo vases (cause they moved tehre while i was painting my room) and … its just neat. its all clean and there are blue and red cups with toothbrushes, hair brushes (seperately!) and other various stuff.
and neat bathtowels rolled in a stand.
okay, blah, i want my room to be all zen and neat.
Robert spent like forever helping me paint it, and move all the stuff, and buy paint so *thank you*. weee. =)
now i went to IKEA with scarfy and got cool stuff for myself that im gonna pretend i didnt get so that my parents can give me on my birthday. …
whoa, how can i forget to be all hyper and happy ! its all amazing! woohoo!
hesi left yesterday. i gave her my mp3 player with some songs to keep her happy. i hope she’s gonna take awesome photographs of venice and the rest of italy cause she got the MOST AMAZING CAMERA THE WORLD HAS SEEN, aka Drebel. and 2 lenses! the girl is gonna have FUN. … well, hopefully.
okay, im gonna wrap this up before i get to listen to more songs. scarf has a list of like 4000 songs long! aaaah.
be well, ya’ll, its the best time of the year :D