a whole lotta nothing

little people

essentially, the new year started off with a lot of pain (after the a lot of pleasure).
3 days ago, monday night, after spending a pleasant evening in VIP with a whole lotta people (rokham, meto, andrew, and others), tim and i went home where we found a beautiful stand for his kitchen. we successfully carried it in, but about 3 minutes after we did that i tilted it and dropped it on my foot. the next 2 hours were spent in me dying from pain and tim taking the best care of me that i could ask for.

next day we headed to the er, because i got worried that it was looking like it could get infected. they took an xray and it turned out that nothing is broken, and that within a week i should be feeling fine.

at the moment i’m on painkillers – the moment they stop acting i start hurting like a …. like, a lot. a real lot. but, thankfully its only 2 advils/12 hours, so twice under limit. and today i even walked around the block!

today was a very strange day. got up late (as usual), around 2, tim was a sweetie and made me tea, and i dipped head first into work until around 4, when i walked tim to the bus, and did my walk with shady around the block.

i was hoping hesi would come back by today, and we’d go see superkev, but alas, i had neither hesi nor a car until 7:30, thus superkev was not to happen. next week!

christina and i were trying to meet up downtown at her place, so i scheduled that for around 11 so that i have time to meet with kev (if that’d happen). but, she left home with her aunt, so that didn’t happen.

tim and i were going to go out tonight, but after i picked dad up i went shopping, which turned out to be the biggest outing of the day: i got a sweatshirt, and 2 cute tshirts, and a toiletry bag (beige, 3 fold, transparent pockets, hanger for shower), and after i came home, i spent some time with parents and when i was going to leave, turned out that tim fell asleep. so, i stayed home!

and that’s where i am now. watching reruns of csi on tv, and terribly craving some burger king. i wish i moved the car out of the garage anyway so that i could go spoil myself (not like i deserve anymore spoiling… that little silver camera has earned a permanent residence in my pocket, within a little velvet bag that suits it perfectly). i should go and whip something tasty and healthy anyway, cause my parents fridge has about 40 times more variety and content than tim’s :))

tomorrow: work on the project. meeting with oleg + co for a going away party. eat. drink. talk.
saturday: dave (friend from cs program) has his birthday dinner. drink. eat. talk.
sunday: work!
monday: work!
tuesday: submit work!
wednesday: get haircut! and hopefully get hesi to go to superkevs for an evening.
and more!

i am preemptively missing everyone.

how i was reduced to a crying happy mess, or the story of how my friends gathered up and shocked me to my core, also known as the day after after my birthday

birthday present (reverse) birthday present me and my cameras me and my cameras

p.s. happy new year everyone! i have no doubts that it will be exciting, interesting, and if yours wont, just read my blog. :P i love you all!

new zealand index

01 – jan 19: new zealand trip, flight there
02 – jan 20: due north
03 – jan 21: island in the sun
04 – jan 22: everything in this garden is lovely
05 – jan 23: rotorua – the fumes are chocking me
06 – jan 24: rotorua to national park with stop at thermal wonderland
07 – jan 25: whole day at national park
08 – jan 26: national park to wellington
09 – jan 27: trip to the south island
10 – jan 28: kaikoura to geraldine – long drives and changing cars
11 – jan 29: geraldine to twizel, the day hike that killed us
12 – jan 30: sunrise over mountains (twizel to all day bay)
13 – jan 31: all day bay to dunedin, penguinds and internet
14 – feb 1: dunedin to fjordland
15 – feb 2: milford sound sea kayaking
16 – feb 3: full of doubtful sounds
17 – feb 4: fjords to queenstown
18 – feb 5: queenstown to wanaka
19 – feb 6: whole day in wanaka
20 – feb 7: wanaka to haast
21 – feb 8: haast to frans joseph
22 – feb 9: at frans joseph
23 – feb 10: frans joseph to hokitika
24 – feb 11: hokitika to arthur’s pass
25 – feb 12: arthur’s pass to christchurch (day at christchurch)
26 – feb 13: flight back

time goes by so slowly: happy birthday morning!

after leasurely waking up around 11:30, and lounging in bed until 12, my parents walked in as usual saying “22 years ago, you were just a little baby!”.

its my birthday!

i got a yellow towel (weee), a big bouquet of pink roses (smells so nice!) and an ansel adams calendar (weeeeee!!!!!).

i’ll post photos of myself, my towel (heehee), my roses, my happiness and my trip to south carolina later. now i’m gone to buy groceries, be happy, pretty and enjoy life! its the start of another year full of great things!

and i got a hesicard! weeeeeeeee

south carolina

i should write a huge update on whats happening, or reply to all of my 30 emails backed up since november with updates to my life. but i’m so. lethargic. and. tired.

life’s good. i’m chilling up here, with +15C weather, sunny skies and no to-do or to-read or to-study list. good food and good people, good weather, and lots of sleep (14 hours yesterday).

i need to vegitate before the upcoming whirlwind. i still haven’t bought new running shoes, sporty pants and a sweatshirt! and i MUST get all those before i leave to NZ. anyone up for a shopping trip?


freedom (from exams)my exams are DONE.

i am done my exams

i am free, free FREE!!!!

the blue skies of south carolina await me. and then – my birthday (i am beginning to feel more and more like a little kid awaiting presents), and then and then and then new years and then some work and then a haircut and then i’m flying to new zealand and i SWEAR each time i think that this is all true, real and i can finally enjoy it i almost begin to cry.

and that’s after a *3 hour hot bath with a silly romance novel*.

i’m gone to the cssu dinner @ mandarin. flight is at 6:25am. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

OH MY GOD!! 3 done, 1 to go!

cooking tonight: spaghetti in tomato sauce with ground beef and parmesean
1/2 medium onions, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 stalk celery, finely chopped (cut length wise into 3 and chop into tiny bits)
4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 cube of vegetable stock (homemade!)
1/2 cup of water
1/2 can tomato paste
pinch teaspoon salt, or to taste
2 splashes red wine
bay leaf
1/2 teaspoon herbes du provence

1/2 pound ground beef
spaghetti (for, err, 2 portions, dunno how really much)

heat onion, garlic until tranclucent in oil on medium low heat, add the stock and celery and the water, and heat for about 5 more minutes. add the tomato puree, herbs, bay leaf and heat (for as long as possible , up to an hour – i had only about 30 minutes). add wine about 10 minutes before done.

when the sauce is about ready (or you’re about starving), cook spaghetti (add another cube of vegetable stock to the water to make it the real good thing). brown the ground beef in olive oil, add it to the sauce, warm the whole thing for as long as it takes for spaghetti to cook, serve, eat.


i wish i had basil! argh.

drinking tonight: kindzamaruli red sweet wine

so, 3 exams are DONE DONE DONE!! datbases went SWEETLY, and psych was tough (3 hours of writing non stop, 2 essays, 5 terms in 3 booklets for 21 pages of writing).

the evening was spent watching csi and enjoying the food and wine. life is so good when you only have one exam ahead of you. and i can sleep in tomorrow. and then i study. but i don’t care, because i am free FREE FREE!