this is slightly late, but why not.
our departure to our honeymoon was the day after the wedding, in the evening. thankfully we found a hotel that let us do a late check out – like 4pm. we seriously needed that time to sleep, so that was excellent.
walking out of the hotel holding my wedding dress in my hands felt somewhat surreal. i mean, that’s when it hits you that it really IS a non resuable-packaging :-)
the packing was easy. i knew what i wanted to take fairly in advance – i actually ended up under packing for the first time ever, as i didn’t take a rain jacket (and to spoil the surprise shocking ending, of course it rained for like 3 days). with our two small suitcase, dad, my aunt, zhen (tim’s friend from cali who was here for the wedding) and ourselves we headed to the airport. zhen went first – his flight was at 9. our was at 10, and we arrived pretty late. we actually were taken out of the line and ushered to the front because we were cutting it so close to our plane’s departure. :S but, it was all good – we got 2 seats next to eachother!
as it turned out, the 3rd seat was taken by the self proclaimed “congratulations, you’re sitting next to the biggest geek in the world” guy, who exclaimed that after seeing our wired magazine. he was flying to germany (the plane was to munich) for some conference on how computers affect daily life. except he couldn’t. stop. talking. for the entire flight. it would be hilarious and entertaining to watch such stupidity if it wasn’t so painful. (and he seriously wasn’t the biggest geek, i’m pretty positive i know at least 500 people geekier than him – and that’s u of t alone.)
anyway, that aside, the flight was easy. i slept some, tim – not really. our arrival was at 8am, and right away we saw the wonderful efficiency of the germans. NOT. the line into customs was a funnel of our entire plane to 2 agents. it was a free for all, more or less. one nice thing about the airport is that they gave our luggage back quickly (we packed for carryon but for some reason they said we can’t check them), and that you could smoke inside. go europe!
our car rental was upgraded for free (yay), the coffee in the airport was delicious, and soon we were on our way out of munich and into italy.
the drive was around 7 hours long, and i think i slept through most of it.
i need to run so i guess i’ll stop here. quickly: we arrived to verona, got lost, got found after an awesome conversation at a gas station in french and spanish and his italian, and tim slept. i went to the supermarket, which deserves some talking too. here are some snaps from prior to verona.
first view of our car (we expected a crapbox!)
no speed limit! (we had fun.)