date: 1112439975
mood: constant buzz after finishing all the horrible assignments. a+++++++++++
listening euro trance over mac mini. we got 2 win laptops,1 mac mini, and 1 linux box. and a kvm. (google it) and a psp. and a x31. and wireless mice. and lcd screen. and like 10 cellphones. techie heaven!
man, you know, you don’t know life until you had 3 days of insane lack-of-sleep mixed in with horrible nightmares and strange sleeping and waking up and back to sleep patterns, combined with insane assignments and handing in stuff 2/3 days late (who knows how much they’ll take off for that essay), followed by 2 nights of awesome going out with incredible funny, intersting, cool, diverse people who are open to heading to a chinese place at 4 am to get some “cold tea” aka beer served in tea pots. combined with a till-5-am night of drinking after handing in the above mentioned assignments. basically, going to bars and/or house parties is just kick ass. u of t makes you realize life to the fullest. intense thinking, intense work, intense relaxation. life is about the extremes, man.
extremes make life what it is. crash badly, rise highly, and thus crash again, only to come back to the high. that’s how i live my life now, and for what its worth at this 5:51am moment buzzed-on-cold-tea, its awesome.
hell, i bought a shirt today and some stuff from la senza! and make up. new mascara. yay. i can be a girl AND do cs. maybe i’ll fail the cs part, but hey, i can still be a girl. a girl who kicks it with 5 guys and fits in.
man, i wish i realized when i was 16 that life has all this stuff ahead of me. we’re young, and we’re living it up, and that’s how it works.
in other news, tim got himself a psp. what’s a psp? view and weep. i hope to be able one day to just figure that today i want to get an awesome toy and some games for it. or like a camera. cause at this rate, its the same cost.
i’ve been swearing a lot today. i guess it comes from drinking with guys-only for 2 days.
so far:
thursday: drinking with CS people in einsteins.
friday: drinking with CS people @ tim’s place + china town
saturday (yet to come): drinking/eating with maha, scarf, tim downtown.
sunday: ???
monday: PROFIT
[if you get this joke please comment.]
and to wrap up, photos: (just to kill your bandwidth)

unrealized plan of moscow.
canadians were un P.C.!.