week – end, time – shift, day – quiet

date: 1112579093

mood: good. tired. hungry.
listening to:manual & syntaks – sal paradise

from montreal, 2005.
f4.5 “In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love; they had five hundred years of democracy and peace and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock.” — Orson Welles (1915–1985).

today, i went to sleep at 7am, new time, and still today, i woke up at 2pm, new time.

it is so easy to mess up your schedule and is so far much harder to arrange it back again! so i’m feeling … not hungover, for i didn’t drink last night, but something along those lines. tired. lack of sleep, and lack of normal schedule, lack of normal food schedule. not that i am complaining, mind you, more like bragging ;p i’d totally go out again tonight if i could. all i have left is *1* assignment …

and 4 exams … shudder.

went over to my cousin’s today, got a pair of jeans which are AWESOME. a whole lotta other stuff, new pants, new sweaters, cute things. but the jeans are just yay.

this song is yay too. sal paradise.