must we have personality?

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schedule keeping and goals

so, to sum up about a week of schedule keepin.
writing things down helps an enormous amount; i’m considering getting a smal moleskin just for that purpose. (maha gifted me with a notebook sized one which is fantabulous for everything). writing them down online? not much; actually. while i’d like to think you all care and eagerly check my blog wanting to see what i am doing, in reality i know its a really boring list of what am i doing. i can be funny! or try to, anyway.

what i am having difficulty with is how to determine what are my medium-long term goals. i.e. in between 3 months from now to 3 weeks from now
i can see my goals for the next 1-2 weeks, and for next 1/2 year to a year. i find goals to be motivating, and incredibly, err, helpful, in achieving things.

i guess that’s pretty intuitive, but, still, how to figure out whats my goal for 3 weeks from now?

writing down a list of what to do weekly is nice; although i still have a mental and partially physical “general” to do list that i gotta implement. i’ve been considering trying to fully swtich to the GTD method.

GTD is Get Things Done, written (I believe) by David Allen. it seems to be a highly popular way to create structure and organize your life. the only thing i am lacking though is a 13 folder file. i don’t want to make it a physical one, as visceral feedback is far better for me… i think. anyone heard of this before? tried it?

must we have personality?

must we have personality

i can’t remember where i found this, but its tempting to print and hang this in our bathroom. hilarious!

apartment design

i buzzed everyone ears off i think, but i just needneedneed to talk more about this. its like travel. i return thinking “i’ve had enough” and 3 months later i’m itching to go somewhere else!

SO in the 6 months or so that i’ve started living with tim i’ve (first) bugged him enormously about redecorating, improving, renovating, designing, purchasing, arranging, cleaning, until one fateful day he left to california and i renovated a bunch of things without really … telling him. so, now tim has agreed that not only the apartment has potential, that it is this potential that is possible to show and is WORTH showing as we’ll be living there for a while.

so, now my daydreams are mostly about wall colors, lamps and couches. among numerous other things.

the big reno happened end of february. it is not even a month, and we alredy rearranged the living room (there is an actual LIVING ROOM now). and now i itch to paint the living room, office areas, bathroom, kitchen. i itch to find lights for all the nooks that they will be so perfect in. i itch to organize the large closet so that when you walk into it, it feels like a neat space. i itch to get rid of my plastic drawers, and figure out how consolidate all the things that i have in them now into neater, prettier, smaller, invisible containers/shelves/whatever solutions. i can’t wait to get to chinatown and find the baskets for the bathroom shelves, and hang art in it. i can’t wait to find the perfectest shower curtain, and bath mat(s), and finally put the mop into the aforementioned tobe organized closet so that bathroom is just NEAT. i can’t wait for tim to have his own light at the desk, and for reading lights in living room to be convinient for all. i daydream of carpets and pillows and blankets and warmth and fuzzy that it will be SO VERY SOON.

i KNOW how great this feels. after painting the bedroom with maha’s and alina’s help, and organizing all the closets there (which are STILL ORGANIZED, w00t w00t), walking into that room became a 1000 times better experience – even when it is messy!

i want bold color! and light! and a pretty bathroom. and i think those are the things i want first.

so now that i’ve bored everyone away…

i’m getting a haircut tomorrow WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

9 thoughts on “must we have personality?”

  1. i was just gonna tell you that if you didn’t keep up your daily schedule, I’d feel lost and less..stalkerish :P
    but yea, like I told you before you can’t finish renovations, you can only stop them :)
    And I think that you ain’t gonna stop any time soon!
    so you know…if you need help and such…you know who to call!!! :D

  2. i’m confused; is lost and less stalkerish good or bad? and that’s going to happen if i don’t keep it up, or do keep it up?

  3. I sense some serious interior design cravings, grasshopper.
    Lamps are good, I have a book about lamp design (I’m actually making two lamps out of an old TV and a radio).

    Just make sure you don’t go overboard. Very easy to do. Like my mother, she has 14 pillows of all different sizes on my parents’ bed. 14! And that’s not including the ones on the couch next to the bed. And the worst part is that I gotta fight my urge to jump on top of all that fluff. She treats them as if they were glass.

    Plus, interior design can be a very expensive hobby, especially after seeing some IKEA labels in your pics.

    Careful, grasshopper. You must find balance!

  4. yeah, total cravings. as in I ALREADY DONE A CRAPLOAD OF IT and want more :P

    see, my main most craving right now is to clear out our closets and throw out 70% of the stuff that’s in there… can’t wait for may when i can do that :D

    and ikea is like the cheapest thing, man. i dream of even more expensive things – unfortunately! at least it motivates me to figure out alternative ways of doing it…

  5. That’s a good idea, clearing out the closets. I really should do mine but the idea of “I’ll need this” keeps jumping in. Like I had an old keyboard with OS/2 plug. I kept it there for a while. Then I actually had to use it the other day when my motherboard wouldnt recognize USB after crashing! But why do you have to wait until may?

    And why do I have to ask twice about comment RSS? That’s bull, man!

  6. comment feed was the first thing in this post, foo.

    goals: wouldnt your intermediate goals just be steps towards your long-term goals? i.e., in 5 years i wanna be working a decent computer-whatever-related job and have an established photography business. so in a few years, i should be progressing in some entry-level job and having a regular list of clients and/or a way of advertising and attracting people constantly. in a year, i should be working somewhere i want to be for a while, and be doing photography as much as possible to get my name out there. in 6 months, i want to get whatever non-work stuff out of the way (travel, slacking around) so that i can concentrate on being a grown-up (or trying to be), and having a clear idea of what kind of photography i want to do and how it will work. in 3 months, i want to finish school with good grades so that i can get a job and start building a portfolio that i can be happy with. in a week i need to finish this assignment and do this photoshoot. tomorrow, i need to red this article that i need for the assignment, and get a haircut cause nobody gives jobs to ugly people.

    i think the biggest problem most people have (most people = me) is the long-term goals. once you have those, you just work backwards.

    design: yeah i approve of obsessions in general and this one in particular.

  7. LIES. It was clearly edited after I asked for it. I mean you can see the strings and all.

    I think of long-term goals as just things that’ll take longer to accomplish. Of course, they’ll take more steps (intermediate goals), but not all medium-term goals count towards a long-term goal, unless you count “be happy” or some other general thing like that.

  8. I think your blogs should be about whatever you want them to be. I don’t think there should be any pressure to write for other people, because you’re not trying to sell it or anything… or are you? duh duh duuuuh!

    But, if you feel like the moleskin book will be more effective, then go for it :)

  9. seeee, I’m lost today cause I’ve no idea what you’re up to :)
    It’s entertaining :P

    Also, I second Scarfy’s opinion about goals.

    p.s. why do you make me do math?

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