she-crab soup made from this recipe (its awesome)
today was definitely a good day. first off, last night after making triply sure that the assignment works (thank you, dad!), it was handed in with no problems, and i went out to have some drinks – for the first time evah! (the drinking out that is). that was fantabulous fun, and i came home and crashed to sleep.
the morning of thursday was excellent. first off, dad confirmed everything is fine. thus this huge, terrible weight of that unbearable assignment fell off my shoulders. the linguistics assignment was almost done, so i spent my morning cleaning it up. (i also made scrambled eggs. yum!)
the constant question of where to print if you’re not really in possession of a printer can drive a student to do odd things, especially if they have to hand in the assignment by 2pm and its 1:50. i tried printing at the library (which smelled like smoke, and later i found out that it was evacuated!), but ended up crashing their computers. so, on kinda vagueish instructions from LA and Kevin i found the place where all the american students get their sponsored labs – its a gleaming, white, clean room, with lots of big macs with flat screens and pretty mice and fast computers and fast printers. i printed and was outta there under 1 minute. yay!
next problem was finding the drop off box. i got confused between two buildings, both of which intials begin with MB, so i ended up being at the hand in place at 2:10 or so. but they still took it on time!
i also spoke the prof, and wished him a good holiday. yay!
random memories on the walk home, when the world suddenly became bright and assignment free:
a bearded, white, curly haired professor at his desk going “hmmm” in a serious tone to a young naive first year student cowering in front of him.
“but i did everything i could!” “well my grandad was in the navy you know!” (as part of one conversation, very loud argument)
a guy eating a watermelon (like 1/4 of it) on the run.
the feeling joy surrounding the campus despite the rain as this was the last day of classes before the break (actually i felt the joy but didn’t know that second bit).
upon arrival home i found out i have no classes tomorrow, and that elin will be going to the gym 2 hours later, so i snacked, chatted, relaxed, and then went to the gym for a hard core workout!
this was my 4th time. i biked for 20 mins @ lv 5, elliptical for 20 mins @ lv 5, and for the first time, ran all 20 mins at 7kph (before i was 14 mins run and 6 walk, and then 16 mins run and 4 walk). then elin showed me some weights training, so i did about 40 sit ups on the big ball, some leg excersizes with the ball, some back excersizes with the ball, weight training for back and arms and legs, and stretched. it was good!
came home, made the she crab soup, and that’s where the day ended, basically.
i wont count the evening because i washed all of the dishes in the kitchen again for the 2nd time (not a single. clean. cup. 2nd. time. in. the. day. i washed almost all of them before the gym.) (so before sleep i went in and did a major clean up – washed majority of dishes that were “anonymos” – like not from LA’s baking – and finally cleaned off counters. yay!), and watched wolf creek which was scary. but that’s okay. it doesn’t count.
i want to be a food photographer! so much fun!
If you use the treadmill, even if you’re just walking on it, adjust the angle of elevation to 1.5 or 2.0. This is gonna make it just as hard as it is when you actually walk around. When it’s at 0, it’s easier because the belt is just moving under you and you dont have to propel yourself forward like you would when walking on normal ground.
If you don’t like to run, but would rather walk harder (good for hiking, yo), adjust the elevation and reduce the speed a little bit. Oh, and don’t hold on to anything with your hands, that’s cheating!
you’re damn good at the food photography, and seems like you’re getting damn good at food too!
“lots of big macs with flat screens and pretty mice and fast computers and fast printers”
i’ll have a big mac, no flat screens, lots of pretty mice.
would you like to make that a combo? you get a medium fast computer and medium fast printer.
well alright, as long as you can put that together in under a minute.
I want to be a food photographer too!
Your foto is cool :)