date: 1119421010
mood: bubbling, like a river into the ocean of emotions of the world
listening to:scanners – all i want

trying to keep track of my life
date: 1119421010
mood: bubbling, like a river into the ocean of emotions of the world
listening to:scanners – all i want
date: 1119508583
mood: falling asleep on my feet
listening to:the principles of lust
all my problems boil down to me feeling guilty when i feel happy. like… if you’re happy, that means you’re not working, which is worng.
i just need sleep.
toronto, yesterday ~6pm
date: 1119568531
mood: time * %moodcoefficient
listening to:me gustas tu
same old place, shiny new camera (err, d70, not shiny and new but its a reshoot)
i’m sure my dad is very happy with his very legal downloads blazing fast, while i’m suffering at 1.6K/s here. arrrrgh.
that last one, negative space is like a flower.
i found affinity for swiss chocolate. WTF? since when do i enjoy candy? thankfully i’ll be eating sushi today to attempt and stop that bad habit.
i’ve been angry, worried, concerned, relaxed, sleepy, curious, impatient, disappointed, expectant, relieved and happy today. how’s that for 12 hours of awakeness?
date: 1119842157
mood: doing good does more good
listening to:garbage – push it
so, yeah, saturday day was spent in linguistics (2pm – 10pm). saturday night to my surprise (and we’re talking 11pm here) i went out – oleg and i jumped downtown to check out the toronto jazz festival. this 14 year old kid, jommy bowskill was playing – and it was so awesome we ended up staying until 2am without realizing it. damnit!
why damnit? cause next morning i managed to oversleep an 10am wake up call for skydiving. which was supposed to be a quick hop to barry, skip and jump out of an airplane, but instead turned into a 4 hour wait until 6pm to actually get to an airplane. the jump was fantastic, but i ended up getting home by 9.
my room is a freaking mess, its dusty, i wanted to vacuum. my parents are renovating the basement and its junk everywhere and a lot of it gets dropped off in my room as “stuff that you gotta deal with”, and i would if i only had the time. we’re moving my bed downstairs so i gotta figure out what to replace it with. i have about 3 hours of linguistics to do before tomorrow, cause tomorrow i’m meeting christina and the prof. and then i have to figure out certain important school/travel documents, which also has to be done tomorrow.
there is paul who i haven’t emailed to in forever and not because i don’t want to.
there is my cousin in voronezh who sent me a hearttouching email 3 weeks ago that i still didn’t reply to.
there is my half cousin in moscow that keeps sending me cute, adorable, friendly messages over deviantart.
there is my cousin here in canada who asked me to post some news on devart for him.
there is richard and diny from devart who sent me awesome emails and to whom i should really get back.
there is the issue of me not even getting to call about ordering the laptop sleeve.
there steve, the graphical designer for whom i sometimes freelance that is waiting on a ~3 week email as well.
there are at least 3 4×6 people that are looking for information from me about the summit.
i promised paul and diny their birthday cards. they’re lying my table, half complete.
there are posters around my room which need to be hung up. have i really spent all that time at the airport for naught?
on that note, some of you still want me to post how my trip went. my laptop is at 3%, charger is in LA, i keep forgetting to charge it with my mom’s (i have to keep running upstairs to steal it, so its not in front of my eyes), so getting the information from laptop to here is a pause.
there are photographs from the summit, from today’s skydiving that i should post.
there is the organizer at lacus, waiting on a payment for my residence there – in US check and no other method (“Payment must be in the form of a check or money order, drawn in US dollars, payable to “Dartmouth College”. You cannot pay cash. You cannot pay by credit card. You cannot use PayPal. You cannot use gold bullion or offer up your first-born child in payment. Shame on you for even thinking of that last possibility.”) – meaning i need to make a dedicated trip to the bank about that. and on that note, gotta call the bank and open an internet managing account.
as afore mentioned but still reasonably seperate note, i need to be spending all of my waking time writing a certain linguistics paper/presentation which is creeping up.
and there’s 9-5 work, at which i can’t fall asleep, and which has seriously kicked up lately, making me busy the whole day.
so, yeah.
i’m having fun, but damnit, this weekend was anything but relaxing, and unless you happen to have the last name of smith, its probably a wise idea to not bug me, unless i bug you.
mmm okay. i’ve been pleasantly bugged, so now i’m going to either fall asleep or try working, still not sure.
skydiving was awesome.
…and once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return. — Leonardo de Vinci
At 13.000 feet nothing else matters. (Bumper Sticker) – okay i went at 4, 000 – it still is like that
Life sucks, and then you fly. — Bill Purdin
Plain and simple, skydiving is all about controlled terror, and I love it.
— Lewis B. Sanborn
i went at 4k feet, did a perfect (i think) jump. landed on my feet. it was incredibly scary going into it, knowing how it will be. wind was eaiser to beat this time… and i bumped my head (with helmet) on the airplane wing/door, not sure which. i saw the airplane fall away from me. i saw the faces of those whowere watching me fall away. i saw my chute open (very quickly). kicked out line twists. found drop zone easily. it was smoooooooth.
date: 1120023838
mood: i want another 8 hours in the day just for sleep
listening to:
M T W R F 9 10 NMC329H 11 NMC329H 12 HPS306H HPS306H 13 PHL285H PHL285H 14 PHL285H PHL285H 15 SLA314H 16 FAH290H SLA314H 17 FAH290H 18 RLG375H PSY370H 19 RLG375H PSY370H 20 PSY370H 21
i can’t wait till the weekend is here. i want a clean room and energy.
no linguistics tomorrow. yay!
RLG375H1 F Buddhist Thought L5101 Tuesday 6-8 26Lectures
An introduction to philosophical thought in the Buddhist traditions of India and Tibet.
reallyreallyREALLY want but apparently requires permission if i’m missing 3 RLG courses – which of course i am. damn. calling tomorrow
PSY370H1 F Thinking & Reasoning L5101 P R6-9 J. Vervaeke
definitely taking – prof awesome and required for degree
NMC329H1 F Dead Sea Scrolls L0101 F10-12
An examination of the political context in which these scrolls were produced and preserved.; different theories of who produced
these texts, e.g., Sadduccees, Zadokite Priests or Essenes; the way the scrolls use earlier biblical traditions. No
Hebrew/Aramaic required; students with background in these languages will have opportunities to use them.
Possibly to brush up on hebrew, and sounds cool
SLA314H1 F Dostoevsky L0101 R3-5
Got really good rating. 90%+ retake, excellent prof, and, well, interesting.
also neat but don’t make schedule as nice (i.e. 2 days off – mon and wed)
PHL285H1 F Aesthetics L0101 MW1:30-3 39L
An historical and systematic introduction to the main questions in the philosophy of art and beauty from Plato to the present.
These include the relation between art and beauty, the nature of aesthetic experience, definitions and theories of art, the
criteria of excellence in the arts, and the function of art criticism.
FAH290H1 F Asian Art L0101 P M4-6
Major themes of eastern art drawn from the rich legacy of Ancient Near Eastern, Islamic, Indian, Chinese and Japanese
civilizations from prehistory to the recent past. Emphasis on appreciation within cultural context; museum visits.
HIS295H1 F African History L5101 W6- 8
NEW303H1 F The Unconscious L0101 M4-7 A. Yeoman
Current discussions of the hypothesis, especially Jung’s collective unconscious; critical examination through retrospective
analysis of the evolution and development of the concept in works from philosophy, psychology, poetry, ethnology, science and
popular culture that anticipated, influenced or were influenced by the work of Freud and Jung, post-Freudians and post-
HPS306H1 F Technology & War L0101 TR12 B. Hall
An examination of the tools of war in the Western world from the Middle Ages to World War II, including not only weapons but
science and technology.
i still gotta get approval for RLG375. grrrr. its so awesome. i want. grrr.
date: 1120162053
mood: pretty decent
listening to:humming underworld – cowgirl
M T W R F 9 10 NMC329H 11 NMC329H 12 13 CSC343H CSC343H 14 CSC343H 15 SLA314H 16 FAH290H SLA314H 17 FAH290H 18 PHL243H PSY370H 19 PHL243H PSY370H 20 PHL243H PSY370H 21
Will definitely take:
PSY370H1 Thinking and Reasoning 52L, 36P
Problem-solving as a model of directed thinking; conceptual behaviour and mental representation; induction, deduction and learning; probabilistic reasoning; creative thinking and complex problem solving.
CSC343H1 Introduction to Databases 26L, 13T
Introduction to database management systems. The relational data model. Relational algebra. Querying and updating
databases: the query language SQL. Application programming with SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms, and database design. Elements of database system technology: query processing, transaction management.
Will drop 2:
PHL243H1 Philosophy of Human Sexuality 39L
Philosophical issues about sex and sexual identity in the light of biological, psychological and ethical theories of sex and gender; the concept of gender; male and female sex roles; “perverse” sex; sexual liberation; love and sexuality.
FAH290H1 Asian Art 52L
Major themes of eastern art drawn from the rich legacy of Ancient Near Eastern, Islamic, Indian, Chinese and Japanese civilizations from prehistory to the recent past. Emphasis on appreciation within cultural context; museum visits.
SLA314H1 Dostoevsky 13L, 13T
Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, and short works. Dostoevsky’s political, psychological, and religious ideas as they shape and are shaped by his literary art. Readings in English.
NMC329H1 Dead Sea Scrolls 26L
An examination of the political context in which these scrolls were produced and preserved.; different theories of who produced these texts, e.g., Sadduccees, Zadokite Priests or Essenes; the way the scrolls use earlier biblical traditions. No Hebrew/Aramaic required; students with background in these languages will have opportunities to use them.
date: 1120230226
mood: ALSOME!!!
listening to:fragma – we are alive
except not my blog – yet – my website – w000t!
i’m gone camping for the long weekend with oleg & co. talk to you all on sunday evening!
sometimes i surprise myself. i went on for about 4-5 hours cleaning out my room. now gone 1 huge bag of stuff/junk, and 2 huge bags of papers. including a possibly warranty for my laptop, so i have to go through them again >_< (man, those smileys are wickedly horribly addicitive)
the ugly yellow couch that i totally love and feel bad for [cue ikea commercial here] is now garbage.
while cleaning out i found 2 calculators:
1 2
what should i do with one of them? donate to school?
i also went camping this last weekend. but i’m lazy so i have no photos.
next up in my organizational life: making a blog on my website, transferring databases from past 3-4 years of blogging
next up in my work life: continue to work 9-5-nobreak-lunchatdesk-leaveexauhsted days
next up in my school life: try to get this paper on the rrrooad
next up in my personal life: meet up with maha, ali[univ], scarf, get time to rest over weekend
next up in my room life: move bed downstairs, pick a new bed, look at how everything will go together
next up in my musical life: manual & syntaks – sunset rider is just awesome.
i’m done. whats your favourite color for websites?