story of my life

And Sometimes the Police Leave Funny Colored Pieces of Paper on the Windshield of My Car
from Overheard in New York

Woman #1: You know, everytime I go return a book, they make me pay money, I have no idea why.
Woman #2: Me too! Last time I paid two dollars.
Woman #1: I should stop going and just donate my money somewhere else.

got a parking ticket this weekend. $30. boo! i was studying!

shooting weddings

a co-worker friend of mine asked me to shoot his reception this last Saturday. it was a fantastic experience, and it reaffirmed my intentions of not becoming a people photographer. i do not have anything against people, it is the amount of work that it takes which is insane! it was the first time my hand was CRAMPING towards the end, my camera battery started to run out, i had 25 photographs left on the card (with almost 700 shot), 2 sets of batteries for the Nikon flash (SB800) have ran out (*) and i was exhausted. (wow, Firefox 2.0 spell check is AWESOME!!).

it was great fun, and i am eternally and immeasurably glad i have had the chance to experience this.

one of his friends wanted to talk to me about taking some family portraits. i am not sure if i want to do that.

i do feel that i want to become a) product photographer b) art photographer c) journal photographer? (as long as it is not journalist – tried that, and its FUN but, MAN it takes over your life like nothing else. i guess maybe that’s not that terrible).

opinions, guys? where do i move from here?

(*) the flash is awesometastic, but eats batteries too damn fast. i expected it to last a night on one set! but it is still awesome. if i ever DO move up to a studio i am getting 3 of those, instead of those vivitars. it is genius in terms of calculating output, etc.


so, in the past 12 hours i have seen 10 police cars. this is about 10 more than usual.
in the past 14 hours i have seen 14 police cars.

is it halloween or something? last night on the highway 2 of them passed me at 130, no blinking lights, on a ramp. i was kinda freaked to see one fly by me, and then a second one. and then like 4 on bathurst. and another 2 this afternoon around 2.