Author: the owner
ebay surfing
tim and i were reading the latest LCBO food & drink journal today, and we were talking about one particular ad. the ad showed how much difference the paint can make, where as they actually have not only repainted the room but changed the bed, side tables, added a headboard, absolutely new matching modern set of linens, side lamps, a huge vintage/art deco ish poster instead of the smallish awkwardly framed smaller ones, a new white armchair… and of course they want us to think a $30 can of paint did all that.
the poster in particular caught my eye. so i did some brave ebaying, and now i’m drooling over these:
MELE ITALIAN SHOPPING FASHION – great shapes, colors (!)
these are small, but would look fantastic in a kitchen area: 2 VINTAGE ITALIAN KITCHEN PASTA CHEF SPAGHETTI POSTERS
maybe i can shoot something closer to this. but i like the abstractness of that style of drawing! (this picture is not mine:)
helmut newton
i tried to find a SFW image by him, but apparently most of his photographs involve naked people.
but, they are awesome.
coming soon to an olya near you
okay, while this is not “what i wore today”, i’m almost there with this outfit! isn’t it gorgeous?
more of gemma
i just really like the look! someone, shoot me like that, i’ll even band-aid my fingers and paint one of them black! (or red, depending on the filters used)
responses re multiple dimensions
us in a petri dish
i think the notion of us being in a petri dish being equivalent to us being in a different dimension is erroneous. specifically, if we are discussing dimensions, universes are related on a subset level, not on an equivalent level.
if we are in a petri dish ran by mice, then we are still within that universe and dimension. the dimensions which we find within this universe exist for us as well as for the mice. a concrete example on which to compare:
say we have 2 universes – one, in which a baby becomes a painter and one where the same baby becomes a businesswoman. say both of these universes have the baby actually being in a world that is inside a petri dish. they are still in the same dimension! one dimension, but 2 possible universes with in it.
hmm, on rereading i guess i’m agreeing with scarf’s 2nd last paragraph precisely.
a.i. and argument for matrix
hesi, i mentioned this to you. everyone else, here you go, someone far smarter than us argues The Simulation Argument: Why the Probability that You Are Living in a Matrix is Quite High.
i don’t want to go into discussing that possibility, except to say that in my opinion the discussion of artificial life or intelligence does not relate to the notion of multiple dimensions and universes. it is a seperate argument, for the sheer reason that it is possible logically for any combination of ideas on the above to exist without being contradictory. since we do not have clear evidence for one particular combination of “we are a petri dish” + “there are no alternative universes”, it is out of bounds to argue that from one, the other can follow.
in other words, there is no correlation between the two questions.
notion of folding
while i cannot possibly say that i am able to explain folding back to anyone coherently, it seems to make sense to me to draw parallels between 2-3 dimensions, to 3-4, etc. i.e. the folding of time and space must be allowed if we even want to argue that there is such a thing as a 2nd and a 3rd dimension.
more, more!
gemma ward
she has an awesome “look”.
welcome back hesi!
here, to assist in your time wastage are some awesometastic links.
the 10th dimension – click on “Imagining the Tenth Dimension” on the left and watch the short explanation. mind totally boggled. w00t!
coke advertisement – (no, not that kind, scarf) from collision detection, the amazing thing is not the fact that coke refers to GTA (the all-evil game, etc.), but the fact that they refer to it without stating it explicitly – viewers “get it” effortlessly.
the water photos are of flowing water on the side of a boat.