Author: the owner
Protected: productivity
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Great American Novel if your name is George R. R. Martin or Suzanne Collins. You guys are doing great; somebody give them genius grants. I had never before read a 1,000-page book, and now I’ve read like 5 of them. If Westeros had subways things would move along much faster, George. Think about it.
<3 Hairpin
Protected: momentary ouch
Protected: mid january
Its really a weird feeling to be on my way to another (fun) trip to do something I love, passing by the hospital where I almost became an IT administrator. What a different path I’d have taken…
Protected: summary of 2011
uber lucky
Biz upgrade went thru on way to HK. Betwene my sniffling cold and the flight being 14.5 hrs… I’m happy.
K’s upgrade didn’t go, which sucks.