date: 1115314542
mood: surreal
listening to:savage garden – crash and burn
will come back with more pictures.

trying to keep track of my life
date: 1115314542
mood: surreal
listening to:savage garden – crash and burn
will come back with more pictures.
date: 1116274069
mood: surreal
listening to:
In the middle of the night, I was walking by the sea, and baby baluga jumped out from amongst the bushes. SO one day Mr. Gregor exclaimed “Why do skater normals have no preppy either?!?!?!” So I wanted to watched. or Maybe if I wanted to watch it then I had a dream that countless historian lost their credit but i dont Remember what it was. I don’t like you but can I have your autograph. No one wants your autograph so I started to cry in the pizza shop. Where did Ryan go? He must have moved to Ohio.
date: 1116377490
mood: tired
listening to:
date: 1117466688
mood: HEADACHE. kill.
listening to:delerium songs
i’m going to LA in 2 weeks!11!!oneoneone.
date: 1117739312
mood: i feel pretty, oh so pretty, so witty and pretty and gay!
listening to:california dreaming (2004 remix)
among the vastness of work, tedium, pressure, deadlines, responsibilities, failure and more hard work, there is a heaven. and it is called “stuff that makes you happy”. and within that realm of stuff, there are many things which could be included – or excluded, depends on who you are.
me for example, i dislike shopping. i love the result of a properly completed shopping course, however the process is a pain from every aspect. the choosing, the lines, the trying on, the prices, the choosing…
however, the result of such “hard” “work” is STUFF. stuff like tasty food, or pretty clothes, or (well, here shopping is mostly a pleasant process, its the paying that sucks) new lenses or new cameras, new computers, new books, new photographs, or as such is this case, a shiny new bag
indeed my friends. it is the age of brightness, blueness, and my newly acquired ability to purchase a new bag on the paycheck that i’ve gotten this week. my first paycheck too!
the crappy photograph on the left (not mine, googled) vaguely demonstrates the excellent qualities of my new purchase. first of all, it is bright blueish green (in my biased colorblind opinion. some might say just blue, and since these some are nine west designers i shall call it the BLUE BAG). this particular hue is almost quite and not entirely identical to my new shoes which were purchased some previous time ago. but this isn’t where the joys of this beauty end.
oh, no.
it has transparent pockets. how cool is that? one, with a zipper, and on the other side, 2 smaller ones, with no zippers. mmm, useful. and the trim (there’s a trim!) is a pseudo leather, colored tan. quite the stylish combination, even if i do say so. outside of style, this beauty has function. first, it has a very nifty magnetic lock on the top. second, the bottom is hard-lined, making it safer for various fragile objects.
“but, olya, what fragile objects could you carry?” you would question. this is where the Function part comes! my laptop fits into this bag perfectly. not only that, there are 3 smaller bags, 2 with mirrors and one for a cellphone that come with this bag. “GET TOTALLY ORGANIZED” says nine west, and i obey, for my life shall be extremely organized with this bag.
in other small joys, it sits pleasantly in my hand, its large enough without being bulky, and it will fit things other than my laptop neatly. and the small purses look like they will become useful on certain occasions. and there are smaller pockets inside as well.
and, here is the bestest part.
i just managed to waste 5 minutes of your life with a descrption of a bag. in words of the ikea man, “is because you are crazy.”
date: 1117950598
mood: i can fly
listening to:hackers – stumble you might fall, moby – life me up
do you wanna hear something crazy?
something so outlandish that you would be sitting in stunned horror for days?
probably not, as it will be a waste of time, so i will not tell you anything that would force you to be so damn unproductive. procrastination is my prerogative!
however, i will entertain you with a story of what i did today.
i jumped.
out of an airplane.
which was just fine.
in one word, i went SKY DIVING!!
INDEED. i may be all soft and cuddly outside (and the long bath sure helps that – yay for pampering and being girly and having pink toenails! does anyone want to buy me revlon nail polish Twinkled Pink? cause i’m all up for more pink shades! i have sheer innocence (HA its number 13 in the hues!) which is awwwwesome), but i’m a hard gazing crazy dare devil inside.
way deep inside.
so deep that i didn’t even know until for some unknown reason i figured that i want to try skydiving. and instead of going tandem (strapped to another person, who happens to be a fully trained, certified, prepared instructor) and getting 60 seconds of free fall, i opted for the “serious” option of doing a 4 hour course on static line jumps.
what is static line and are you sure its not related to electricity? you might ask me.
and then you might not ask such strange questions.
but we both know you’re strange, so i’ll explain.
static line means that you’re a n00b who’s jumping off the airplane and instead of having to pull anything you just “arch” in order to practice handling yourself in the air (and other small things, like JUMPING OUT OF AN AIRPLANE AT 3000 FEET!), and the parachute is opened automatically by a static line. there is no free fall time (actually there are 5 seconds before the chute opens and its just the … well, we’ll get to feelings a bit later), but you jump away and land on your own.
upon arriving at the deathly hour of 9am (involved waking up at 6:30am , but then stalker woke up at 5:30, so i’m not the one to complain) to the “base”, i spent about an hour doing absolutely nothing except becoming more tense with some of my classmates. “just get it started already!” we said. as someone who didn’t jump before, there is a slight feeling of doubt regarding your own sanity. i kept questioning myself of “so, i’m going to jump OUT of an airplane IN flight today? am i crazy or what? and if i am crazy, that means all the people around me are faaar crazier, so let me get out of here!”. actually, its the reverse. when the class gets started, or when you talk to other people at the drop zone, you steadily get this feeling of sky diving being yet another sport – one that involves risk, but not more than say scuba diving, where you’re likely to meet some far more unpleasant personalities than the trainers at the course (which i must say were the opposite of unpleasant).
4 hours of class, lunch break, lots of training and stuff we had to memorize. there are short lists for everything, and its all very easy to remember and very difficult to do under the stress.
adrenaline hasn’t really worn off yet.
before we get started,
right after lunch, i met my instructor in flight, paul, who told me to drop all my personal stuff at the car (like a watch about which i completely forgot! it’d pretty suck to lose it somewhere up there. yay for great instructors!), and get into my jump suit. as you can see on the left, i looked quite smashing! what i’m DOING on the left is practicing the ARCH position – legs spread, arms open, hips forward for maximum stability in the air. this is the position you have to hold for 5 seconds after jumping out and its quite important to hold it properly as it gives you a simple, nice, “calm” (its difficult to call anything *BEFORE* the chute opening calm) chute opening. the backpack contains the parachute, which is prepacked for me by very smart, good, nice, safe people who do this kind of thing exceedingly well. it also contains a reserve chute, which i now know how to open properly and what exactly happens when it opens. also, a ground-to-air radio, which allows a “radio guy” talk to you from the ground and help you find the way to safe landing and the drop zone. there’s also a “rubber ducky”, a floatation device which is required cause there is a swamp in the vicinity.
throughout the series of buildings that are at the base, there are these wooden constructions which are demonstrated on the left. they imitate (fairly well, with one small exception) the exit of the cessna airplane off which we were jumping. i’m demonstrating fairly well a fairly poor stance for exit.
you know that small exception i just mentioned about the “exit imitators” up there? its the fact that no one comes even close to describing the wind. they say “be aggressive”, “plant your foot” and you trust them (literally) with your life. however, that tiny, tiny airplane up there (and this is on the longer end of my lens! should be said here, all photographs are courtesy stalker!) is apparently surrounded by A LOT OF MOVING AIR. yes, i know it looks calm.
its not.
its scary.
its the scariest moment in the entire thing.
the flight up was interesting. i was humming “hackers – stumble you might fall”, and looking out the window, and feeling, well, smashing! simple lovely and fantastic, dahling, true!
upon thinking its my time to exit i put my hand on the door as we were taught and the door smashed on my hand.
pilot opened the door and i checked to see if i have my hand whole. i did and still do! nothing broken, just a really bad hit.
except in that point i wasn’t aware of that, i just knew it both hurt like a b…book. and at the same time my brain was entirely unconcerned with the pain in my hand. when the instructor asked if i’m feeling alright to go, my reply was “a little hurt finger isn’t going to stop me from jumping out of an airplane”.
up until the moment door opened for me, i didn’t feel really scared. i mean, i felt anxious to the maximum degree, maybe panicked a bit, maybe a bit worried, nervous.
but the moment that door opens, and you feel so tiny and so. high. up., and so… alone. i don’t mean in the “aww no one cares about me way”. that’s b/s compared to this feeling of being a speck of sand and earth so huge underneath you. the phrase “gravity always wins” comes to mind… only later. at that moment, nothing comes to mind except oh shit..
indeed, after the initial shock of seeing the earth, i aggressively thrust my left food forward (as you could see by one of the above photographs, that’s how its done), and equally aggressively the wind blew it away. on 2nd attempt, i got it. next step is grabbing the rail with your left hand.
i couldn’t do it. the wind was kicking my leg like its a bubble gum wrapper, not a material object composed of muscles and bone and connected to a wholly functional and willing human being. the instructor yelled in my ear “LEFT HAND” (not because he was angry, but because you can’t hear anything but the wind). i almost wanted to go “I KNOW!” but that’s wrong. so after trying to reach for the rail for about 3 times and literally chickening out, i just thought that i HAVE to go for it. i reached out and HELD on. apparently its feasible, as i wasn’t blown away by the wind right away – which is what i was fully expecting.
when i completed the set up the instructor went “GO” which means, that, well, i have to let go. and there is a cloud right next to us. and i freak out and think “I CANT GO INTO A CLOUD”. and he goes “GO!” again. i think i closed my eyes and let go and ARCHED.
arch thousand.
two thousand.
i feel a tug.
i look up.
that’s what i see.
a “mess”.
but its too early.
four thousand.
i keep looking up and arching and looking at the chute unraveling in front of my eyes, feeling the air and the wind and absolutely nothing holding me, and falling, falling, falling but it feels like flying.
the chute has opened.
its there.
there is a simple line twist that i easily kick out of.
i brake twice (pull down corners of the chute in order to fill it with air).
i breathe.
life didn’t flash in front of my eyes.
but i’m typing this 9 hours later and it makes me shake to realize that i’ve been up there.
upon this point the radio instructor that i have mentioned chimes in. “great job number 2! do a 180 right please. now flare flare flare for me! excellent, you’re doing great, your chute [is doing great] (i can’t for life of me remember the exact wording). keep your heading.”
time both flies and stays still.
i calmed down right away. i was there, and i made it perfectly, with no bumps on the airplane wing (everyone said its impossible but i kept feeling otherwise), with a fairly well done jump (i mean, i arched! what more could they possibly want?), in the air, just me and earth.
if i could describe that feeling in words, you wouldn’t need to try that at least once.
a few [units of time which i cannot describe] later, paul, the instructor passed me by with this expert chute (faster, smaller, l33t in normal language). i yelled WOOOOHOOO because that’s what i could do, and kept on flying.
as you get closer to the ground, world turns from a surreal thing which just annihilates you with joy and awe and amazement at life, to a fairly physical object that you will pretty soon have to deal with, preferably in a way that causes you no injuries.
thankfully, for n00bs like me, there is the radio! thumper, an excellent guy who made me feel at ease without even being able to hear my replies, guided me closer to the landing field. the trees begin to take on shapes, the fields begin to lose theirs, textures become bushes, and Xs become airplanes. you don’t see ants, but tiny people.
in other words, reality softly returns to your senses.
upon approach to the drop zone (i.e. where you, well, drop), you need to brake 6-10 feet above the ground, and which point, theoretically you should land on your feet. a lot of first timers didn’t – one girl did a little turn over as she pulled a bit late. some people got dragged on their butts.
i can understand why.
the ground, in someone’s immortal words, “was coming up hard and fast”.
radio called me to flare.
i did. and a few seconds later i felt the ground softly greet me – same as jumping off a chair. out of the sheer surprise of meeting the ground (i looked up, but too high up to see the ground),
i took a step forward.
and i didn’t fall.
i jumped out at 3000 feet, and landed on my feet.
i won something within me, and it makes me happy. it wasn’t easy, which makes it better. and i did it on my own. which makes it perfect.
date: 1118520976
mood: sore
listening to:yahel & eyal barkhan – voyage (sunstacia remix), Zombie Nation-Whoa Oh Oh Oh
do you set goals? do you have a goal for this summer? mine is to write an excellent linguistics paper and do a great presentation, do morning runs with shady, and make a newer, better portfolio.
what are yours?
date: 1118639494
mood: sore, doubleplushappy
listening to:infected mushrooms – cities of the future
warning, this entry might be a little buzzed, as, well, i’m a little buzzed. yay for kindzamaruli and cold moscato wine in the hot summer evenings!
last night i went to the first concert that was entirely kick ass awesome.
it was crazy good. we left uptown around 12 and got downtown just in time to park in a nice, free spot and jet to the short line up for the guest list and run inside. the guy who was dj-ing before infected was tolerable but not exactly very dancing material. good to listen to though.
drinks were expensive. i got 2 bottles of water over the span of the night, for 4 bucks a pop. insanity! but at the moment when i was buying water 4 dollars for a bottle seemed like a bargain, as it was steaming hot there.
people ranged from all types, faces and clothing styles – goth to raver. the biggest prominence was given to israeli fans, who carried a huge israeli flag and danced their heads and legs off in front of the stage. our group stuck essentially next to the stage the whole night, and the dj was kickassingly excellently leading the crowd.
the songs had a lot of build up and a lot of explosions of drums and piano and voice and electric guitar (which was live, right there!) which just made you feel like you’re flying, with the crowd. the number of moments when the crowd would just explode at the wave of the guy’s hand cannot be counted – his connection with the crowd was mindblowingly good, quite in tune and knowing how to build up enough to make you want jump and yell and dance when the release finally came in forms of drums that you could feel revibrating throughout your whole being.
we left around 5am, dropped off most people and then had some early morning, predawn tea and snacks, and then went off home to go sleep.
we’ll see how i can handle waking up at 6am tomorrow given how i fell asleep by 6am yesterday!
and then l.a., where i’ll have to shift my schedule again by 12 hours.
also, didn’t buy perfume today as the store didn’t have it.
maybe i’ll gather the guts to order a good laptop sleeve tomorrow.
my current good&expensive choices:
what do you guys (who apparently buy only things of the best quality ;p) think?
date: 1118812807
mood: exauhsted
listening to:the sound of my huge external fan cooling the computer! it finally doesn’t crash.
today, i present a visual guide to my life.
i saw
it was
and then i finished watching
this morning.
i loved loved loved loved
and was fascinated with the way
during lunch, i bought
along other small pleasantries. i’m addicted to the smell. apparently it goes like this: “Fresh, crushed raspberry leaves, this innocent bouquet of freesia, jasmine, apple blossom, lily-of-the-valley and wild cyclamen rests on a medley of summer melons, drenched with cool morning dew. It is further enhanced by a final abundance of velvety amber and precious woods, entwined with transparent musk.” but i think the smell is just really really light, flowery and awesome and yeah. and the transparent plastic thingie outside is ridiculous. i thought i’m supposed to take it off! and the thing itself is for blondes. on the cover of the box it has a small sticker-booklet that has a stop sign with the words “stop and read” in it. what’s inside the booklet? 3 pictures warning of dangers of perfume. but no words. so, nothing to read.
and then i emailed the owner of a canadian branch that sells laptop accessories and began the ordering process for:
Edna: You need a new suit, that much is certain.
Bob: A new suit? Well, where the heck am I gonna get a new suit?
Edna: You can’t! It’s impossible! I’m far too busy, so ask me now before I again become sane.
Bob: Wait? you want to make me a suit?
Edna: You push too hard, darling! But I accept!
and tomorrow i’m getting a and packing my
date: 1119340244
mood: all mixed up – happy, missing, speely, excited, missing
listening to:iggy pop – never met a girl like you before
LA was kick ass.
fully detailed entry coming up tomorrow.
i’ll let you all know whats happening, but to summarize: the summit was kick ass, the people were freaking awesome, and the credit to making this THE best vacation trip i’ve ever taken goes fully and wholeheartedly to tim. i couldn’t imagine a better weekend.
i have some cute photographs from the trip. nothing mindblowing, but its somewhat enjoyable. and a long blog entry on my laptop who is at 2% charge and with the charger being left in LA.
but its coming. it allll is
but right now i’m too tired to reply to messages and emails soooo just bear with me when i say i’ll be back tomorrow night in fuller swing.
this song is freaking good. i heard it at the summit. yummy.