Barcelona, part 1

So!I got the iPad while Tim is reading the “sh!t my dad says” book on my ereader. What a totally sweet trade. I get to blog!

We are waiting for a flight to Granada from Barcelona. It is 9:05 am, and we are supposed to take off in 5 minutes. Judging by the fact we haven’t even started boarding I’d say it’s a safe call to say that it will not happen. Literally the first person in line is still the same curvaceous blonde as 20 minutes ago.

Barcelona gave us 3 days – 5,6, and 7th of sep. Today we are supposed top arrive to granada and see the infamius Alhambra.

What has happened so far?

Well…Barcelona in 3 days really felt like it was maybe a week, or a day and a half. The awesome tiny streets of the gothic area, and the Jewish quarter were my favorite part. We also saw the Granada familial – Gaudi’s masterpiece.

On the first day, we landed together with my parents into a gorgeous, sunny, and mostly empty Sunday mor ing airport. Jet lagged and tired, a short cab later we arrived to the apartment thtat we shared over our stay in B. 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, living room and kitchen. Just realized I took no photos, damn. Maybe mom did…
Tim and dad went to get some neccessities, like wine, fruits, jamon (ham) and beer. Mom and I rested because we are lazy like that. After a refreshing break, we realized that were missing Internet and have 1 set of keys. Which meant some coordination was required for us to out. Eventtually we all managed to agree on a time that we’d meet at the apartment – 3pm – and Tim and I went out.

In our neighborhood, same as in many other places in Spain, Sunday is dead quiet. Tired and unwilling to really go to far we got incredibly lucky. Our first attempt at finfing a snack/lunch place failed- we went to the same area as where Tim and dad had coffee earlier that day. But notjing looked like it would have a nice atmosphere, so we stared walking back, where we by sheer luck stmblued onto a place called Chito’s. A tiny, tiny, cramped tapas bar, where despite having anenglish menu, only locals appeared.

Whoops, boarding! 9:20. To be continued.