italy – second day, evening.

leftovers from verona:

verona - balcony

verona - corner


verona - tim

verona - light

the drive from verona to venice was remarkable only because we found a really cute soft cooler(tim really wanted one for some reason – i think we ended up using it, but mostly i’m happy that i have an awesome lunch bag).

the evening in venice was strange. we found the hotel easily; they upgraded our hotel room to the best one when i mentioned we were honeymooning. (it was a small b&b place). the view from the window was gorgeous:

venice - outside our hotel

venice - outside our hotel

and while tim was ok with drinking some wine and figuring out where we’ll eat, i went outside to take some photographs:
venice - storm - right before the rain

venice - right after the rain

venice - before the rain

venice - storm

venice - storm

venice - storm

venice - storm (blue)

venice - during the rain

and right as i was taking those last few, the rain started pouring down. i ran back in (i was only like 3 minutes away from the hotel), and looked at the grey skies and lamented not taking a single jacket. damn.

after the rain ended it became better:

venice - during the rain

and we went out for dinner:

venice - on the boat

the dinner itself was the least tasty dinner; perhaps we did not appreciate the wine sauce enough.

after the dinner we messed up which boat we need to take back, froze a little bit, and got home. the end of day two!

3 thoughts on “italy – second day, evening.”

  1. Hm. They are definitely not making up for the Lamborghinis by shooting for the cheaper brands for their everyday cars.

    Venice’s shots have quite the atmosphere!
    it’s a feat it’s been kept so authentic.
    ..really feels like you have room worth photographing to roam about.

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