sublime pauses

there is a wonderful sensation of drinking an almost full bottle of wine after work, expecting a haircut the next morning, watching utterly romantic and COMPLETELY over the top cheesy movies while knowing that
a) a great haircut! will be here! in a short 12 hours!
b) i’m officially will be graduated in just two days!
c) and tomorrow i get to celebrate tim’s graduation!
d) and that work is freaking AWESOME

this moment of watching way too much sweetness on the screen and feeling all the “completely-wrong-how-can-a-grown-woman-have-these-sensations” twinges is utterly fun and awesome.

(this is where my indepth thoughts start)

have you ever considered how many of your actions stem not form your civilized, rational, logical being – but rather from the very hidden (almost invisible) instincts that generations of survival have developed within us.

every time i enjoy a romantic movie there is a part of me that feels completely and utterly ridiculous – stereotypical, even, and that’s a rather unpleasant feeling, being stereotypical. but i despite my best desires of being a rational, perfectly logical and neutral human being can’t help but swoon when a girl rushes onto the airplane to catch her love in the last possible second.

(pauses for the umpteenth time during this buzzed entry to watch the movie)
oh gosh he is a WIDOWER! so he is a a GREAT person after all! awwwwww

there it goes again.

tonight i’ve resigned to these feelings. might as well look at myself with sarcasm and laugh at them, rather than try to at all to deny them.

(i think my blogs are neater when i’m drinking wine. and lacking sleep.)

One thought on “sublime pauses”

  1. I can relate….sans haircut, sans graduation.

    You seem to react to cheesy chick flicks in the same way I react to movies with an insane amount of ass kicking. Rambo, Die Hard, Terminator, and so on. Ridiculous action, one vs many, and zero logic whatsoever. It’s interesting how logic gets put away when I’m really enjoying a movie (hell, I thought Armageddon was awesome).

    And now Transformers! Holy shit! Big ass robots kicking big ass! You’d think robots would connect with wi-fi and settle the hell down….BUT NO! TIME TO WHOOP SOME ASS!

    As for impulsive actions, absolutely. This is why “it seemed like a good idea at the time” is my most used excuse! But a lot of things that may seem “primitive,” I do with full thought. Example: Out when we were rafting in Argentina, I was thirsty, so I drank some water from the river. People were looking at me like I had 4 heads. Come on! This is from the ice on top of mountains! This water is probably of better quality than the municipal water that you drink out of a plastic bottle and think so highly of. Plus, if it’s good to fall into….why not good to drink out of? And no, I didnt get sick afterwards.

    And contratulations on the resignation. There should be less control, which turns out to be futile.

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