headache headache why art though here

first headache in a while (excluding the whole being dropped on a piano fiasco). blargh.

goals: wouldnt your intermediate goals just be steps towards your long-term goals? i.e., in 5 years i wanna be working a decent computer-whatever-related job and have an established photography business. so in a few years, i should be progressing in some entry-level job and having a regular list of clients and/or a way of advertising and attracting people constantly. in a year, i should be working somewhere i want to be for a while, and be doing photography as much as possible to get my name out there. in 6 months, i want to get whatever non-work stuff out of the way (travel, slacking around) so that i can concentrate on being a grown-up (or trying to be), and having a clear idea of what kind of photography i want to do and how it will work. in 3 months, i want to finish school with good grades so that i can get a job and start building a portfolio that i can be happy with. in a week i need to finish this assignment and do this photoshoot. tomorrow, i need to red this article that i need for the assignment, and get a haircut cause nobody gives jobs to ugly people.

see people, now that’s genius. that’s pretty much exactly where i stumbled. i can say whats in 5 years but working backwards? never occurred to me.
i’m just going to use this as my list now!

its interesting how differently we perceive goals though. scarf has difficulties with long term view, and i have the problem with short term views (i.e. working backward).

(ha, fooled ya! thanks, superkev ;) )

week has finished and i’ve been slacking off way too much. at least i got a break – next 3 weeks? something enormous due each week. like, end-of-year projects. and then exams. oy oy oy!

our cat started shedding. wtf? so far no hair and BAM spring comes around and freaking fur all over the place. i didn’t sign up for this!

headache headache go away please come back another day.
its cssu pub night tonight. last one of the year. man, i can’t believe graduation is so soon…

oh, and,
my haircut is short and delicious!

5 thoughts on “headache headache why art though here”

  1. See, you kids have all these “goals” and a system that you try way too hard to stick to, then stress over when you fail and make blog entries trying to get you back on track. But I’ll be damned if I want to keep some useless things in storage :P

    That whole “5 year” thing never stuck to me. I’ve never heard that expression before coming to the US. Plus we’re at an age where 5 years is a freaking huge difference. From 22 to 27? Holy shit man thats huge. Now from 40 to 45? Ehhhh not so much. When I wake up, I think “hmmm what will I do today? Oh yea, gotta do that, that, and I’d like to do that, and maybe that.” I don’t know a week from then, let alone 5 years. And the best part is that I rarely end my days feeling unaccompllished (unless I skip the gym). Day to day, man.

    Remember when I went to Toronto, we discussed the idea of doing camping to Lake George the year after? That was a goal. 2006 came and went. Nothing! I bet ya that if July of this year comes along and I say “Yo bitches, lets get together in August and do this,” if people are willing, you’ll jump on it like a fox on a mouse. Moral of the story: spontaneous stuff is far more enjoyable (for me, at least. Mileage varies).

    Buuuuuuut having some “goals” is good for a sense of direction. But I point towards my goals, as opposed to aiming for them. I know the town I want to go to, not the specific street.

    oh and PICS.

  2. but, Diny, see you’re content with how things are. Because you have a ‘thing’ you’re good at, you enjoy doing very much and it can bring you an income.
    People that don’t have that ‘thing’ are bound to freak out and figure things out because it’s unsettling and nerve wrecking. you can’t take it day-by-day when you’re not confident in what’s ahead of you.
    And planning something that doesn’t work out is not a bad thing. to me planning, like Olya said, is something that keeps me emotionally stable :P

  3. Those are very good points. But I’m actually not content with how things are. Well, my job only, the rest is great.

    But being that I don’t know what it feels like to not have that “thing,” whats more unsettling? Not knowing, or the risk of being financially unstable? If that’s even a factor that freaks you out, that is. There are tons of people out there who dont like their jobs but get a good enough paycheck to suck it up and live with it.

    And I’m not confident in what’s ahead of me. Well maybe its not like you mean it, but I don’t know whats ahead. But I’m not feeling any pressure, if that’s what you mean.

    Still, what I said, I didnt mean it in the grand scheme of things like having that “thing,” but just other kind of planning. See now all these factors are coming up that make many different scenarios.

    Still, I wasnt dissing the fact that you guys use planning. If it works for you, then go ahead! It just seemed as if you planned but werent always able to follow it, so you freak out. So the solution seems to be to plan less! But if planning keeps you emotionally stable…….theeeen keep it up! :P

  4. i think you’re incorrect in the idea that we freak out though. i guess we might to some extent, but rather if things don’t go to plan its part of life – for me, at least.

    i’d rather plan and freak out sometimes, then not plan and be freaked out ALL the time. (or rather each time the “oh shit how did i forget about this” situation comes up, which is really freaking often if i don’t plan).

  5. Is it possible that you choose to plan because you have a great number of activities to do? I’m trying to figure out a very basic reason as to why you plan to that extent and I don’t. There are many possible answers, including “because I’m a guy and you’re a girl.” :P

    I got to take a better look at your activities based on your pre-post entries (stalkerish, like maha said), and I dont see a lot of difference when it comes to daily activities. A similar number of activities and so on. Could it be that you have more responsibilities?

    Like you said in your paragraph, sounds like planning and freaking out sometimes is the best option you have, so it seems like its impossible to not plan and not freak out at the same time.

    What kind of stuff do you forget to do, though? Basic stuff like laundry? Or more important stuff like, say, meeting a client?

    And this isnt just me asking Olya in particular, please join in and tell me that I dont know what the hell I’m talking about. Really, I don’t! I just know how I do it, and I like getting different perspectives of the same issue. Quite obviously, my method is useless in Olya’s scenario.

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