tim has arrived!

i guess i’m a sad person with not much happening. or, i guess i’d be writing about nothing happening if nothing had happened, but yesterday the most important thing of all finally happened.

tim came here!

we are having a grand time. went to bondi junction, which is a very cool area and stumbled around until we got tired and then went home. had nice dinner, i think i’m getting another cold or flu, watched a bunch of episodes of house and here i am blogging.

last saturday was kevin’s birthday, and we had a fantastic party, started off with a dinner here, and moving on to dancing at a bar. i made russian meat pies (pirozhki, vegeterian version too), (oh i messed them up so badly. wrote down recipe verbatim from my mom’s email on a post it but i totally forgot to add the part where i need to add yeast because its not mentioned in the original email. so when i mixed stuff i FORGOT TO ADD YEAST WHICH mean that an hour later i realized the batch was ruined. thankfully i had time so i made ANOTHER batch and added yeast, BUT of course i realized i added too little (abt half of needed) too late again. they actually came out fine anyway, but i spent a majority of the evening kicking myself) which were loved and annihilated, and apple pie (also finished), and helped figure out a ceasar salad. LA made a veggie and chicken lasagna, and a swiss roll.

i got my 2nd assignment in AI back, 88%. first assignment, 92%. i may get a good mark in a computer course for the first time in my life. … yeah … right ….

i almost bought a moleskin today. tim gave one as a present to LA when she spent a day roaming the hospitals with me. its *DELICIOUS*. has 5 sections for travellers: facilities, food, places, people, sleep – for keeping notes on great places. i wish i had one in europe!

sydney is looking like a decent place afterall.

7 thoughts on “tim has arrived!”

  1. What is it with you and colds and flu? You get them no matter where you are.

    Funny that you made pirozhki for a birthday, and my grandmother made them for mine yesterday. They were the bomb! Always a treat.

    Congrats on that 88 and 92…. =P

  2. yaaaaaaaaay for mr. smith!

    but dont think that you have an excuse to not blog now :P

  3. ahhhh House. I want that man.

    aaand sydney is about to become even better! in just a day ;)
    i can’t waaaait

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