week of STUDY (no classes). right.

date: 1113374647

mood: entirely unbalancedly great
listening to:freestylers – push up, deep dish – flashdance (NICE song), armand van helden – my my my, junior jack – stupid disco

so, yeah.
i burned my hand today with steam from the kettle. genious.

life is crazy.
photoshoot planned and cancelled
double booked 2 people this week. like, 2 seperate things. i’m nuts. i have a freaking palm pilot and i still screw it up. ugh!
went to chapters and almost got a book. then ate sushi. with scarf.
monday went out dancing to the dance cave with linguistics group. was fun, retro music, awesome people, good times. returned home by subway, at 1:30am… i was the only one to get off the subway at the last station, downsview.
cleaned out so many “bad” photos from the stuff i shot in the past few months to free up space. it worked. 2.5 gigs free (from 1.5 megs). i should do this cleaning up stuff more often.
downloade (w00t i learned how to) some european music. memories!
my dog got sprayed by a skunk. i love her enough to still sleep in the same room as her, although door was wide open the whole night.
got my russian passport today. i am now officially a dual citizen. hah.
what else.. hm. studying done: 0%. fun had: 100%

shady. *heart*

me and grandad, russia, age ~6