weee hooo

date: 1074366686

listening to:blur – song 2

it wasn’t easy
but nothing is


erm, hi
yeah that’s me being hyper. im eating great food, and im studying stuff and weee. the only bad part about this week is that i didn’t get to see hesi, or any other people outside of university. booo.

“its not my problem, its not my prooobleeeeem wooohooo when i feel heavy metal”

uhmmm yeaaah no skiing today boo
gotta study and gotta clean


i wonder if any of my profs going to use the “links to” feature of google. i’d so do it if i was a prof.

if you are one of my CS profs and you’re reading this page, i’d just like to say while 240 looks hard and 207 looks work intensive i am very happy to be taking both of them! w00t for girls in CS!

i think i’ll go do my homework before i’m any more crazy.