i am gorped!

date: 1082497556

mood: daunted
listening to:enya – orinoco flow, although

i SO have no time! i want another 4 days to study for my exams. AAAAAAAAAAH!

i hope hesi’s exam went good!

Naigles (1990) presented 2-year-olds with video of event in which rabbit repeatedly pushed duck down into squatting position with left hand while both rabbit and duck making circles in the air with their right hands Some children heard event described as: ‘The rabbit is gorping the duck’. Others heard event described as: ‘The rabbit and duck are gorping’. Separate actions then presented simultaneously on two TV screens and child asked: ‘Where’s gorping now? Find gorping’. Children who heard: ‘The rabbit is gorping the duck’ looked longer at screen where rabbit was pushing duck down. Children who heard: ‘The rabbit and duck are gorping’ looked longer at screen where rabbit and duck making hand circles