having finally found a tab extention the changes the behavior to one that i am used to, i have finally switched to firefox.
(and i need to do my assignment due in 11 hours…)
trying to keep track of my life
updates that about websites, internet
i R the leet! check out the new fancy calendar, and now i have a flickr posting ability from within my posts.
flickr posting ability
its SO nice.
so, in good news, first exam went like hot pancakes. totally sweet. i completely didn’t answer one question (4 marks out of 60), but i can afford to miss like 16 marks and still get 82% as final mark! i’m feeling good. my hand feels like it totally will die.
distractions: videos: don’t work so hard – totally applies, canon d on guitar – very inspiring music, and the guy looks so into it that its just sweet.
this is a wicked idea. next time i have a chance to paint a wall in my room (or two) with this paint, i’m so doing that. its paint that has metal in it, which makes your walls magnetic. *sweetest* *idea* *ever* (and no lead, totally safe).
cool website for cute semi useful stuff.
i present THE WEBSITE OF MY DREAMS: cuteoverload. pictures of cute stuff.
going to eat tonight: garlic mashed potatoes, and very awesome steak.
garlic mashed potatoes:
boil potatoes with some bayleaf and garlic until smooshy. throw away the water, and mush with minced garlic and cream and butter, to texture desired. cream makes them smooooth.
no clue yet. probably just steak with some spices – its really good meat, should taste awesome. :D
yay for all the fluffy snow outside!
one day i’ll have a machine that will allow me to make tasty coffee drinks like that.
//back to studying philosophy… in which i will get *80%* if i pull of a 75% on the exam!
update @ 12:01am
that’s it! i can’t do it anymore. the names are starting to mix up in my head. i guess i’ve been studying (with some breaks here and there but mostly studying) since 2pm. wow!
who i have read (book), revised (class notes), reedited (together with overheads) and thus reviewed:
Nagel, Goldman (I, VIII), Kant, Stein (II, V),
who i have done at most 2/3 of the above (and thus not totally reviewed yet):
Singer – done the second half of Kant’s critique, but totally didn’t get first half. e-mailed prof.
Mendus – reviewed but don’t feel confident – keep forgetting what she wrote about (all jokes aside, marriage faithfulness. but she’s arguing AGAINST it)
Hajdin (2) – nothing done except rereading class notes. no lecture notes, so i have to reread the whole thing
Rapaport (I, III, IV) – done all 3 but its all a huge mess in my head and on the paper so still have to totally do
that’s for the short answer part.
for the essay part i have 4 people:
Elliston – “Gay Marriage†(4-5)
Jordan (both arguments) – “Is it Wrong to Discriminate on the Basis of Homosexuality?”
Nussbaum (everything except section II) – “Objectification,” Specific examples from D.H. Lawrence and Playboy, seven ways of treating as an object, discussions of D.H. Lawrence and Playboy.
Primoratz (4-5) – “What’s Wrong with Prostitution?” – first and second feminist critiques
i’ve got a superficial overview of all of them, but for the essay part i need to be cracking these guys off in depth. i’ll probably sketch something out for nussbaum, as her paper is HUGE, one merged gay marriage argument(almost wrote gay prostitution – now THATS a philosophy paper topic), and definitely primoratz as he could appear in both short answer AND essay part.
anyway. time for a break..nnnnow.
update @ 12:22
fun links:
cute illustration of the website development proccess
so, modblog went down for 2 weeks.
now, mahaon is down for a few days.
modblog is up though.
guess who’s blog was up all this time?
(my mom got me a beautiful white down jacket with trim and absolutely cutest warmest styling ever for my birthday but i’m getting it now so that i can actually use it. weeeeeeeeee)