halfway points between then and now

date: 1114747903

mood: in the past and in the moment
listening to:led zepplin – stairway to heaven

we should all be 2 years old in our hearts.

do you know the saying today ist he first day of the rest of your life?
maybe today is the moment between then and later. half way moment of where things are still undecided – exams are not finished, bags are not packed (or unpacked, depending on whether you’re coming or going). it might be your birthday, or it might have just passed. or it might in half a year. and it is all still halfway between then and later. maybe in 3 years you’ll look back and say “yes, this is when i failed computer science”, or maybe you will say “yes, this is when i met her” (or him). or maybe you’ll just look back and say “man, those were good times – i wish i could remember more!”

me, 2 years old, russia.

and a normal photo (montreal, 2005)