church, luxembourg

date: 1105687079

mood: irresponsible
listening to:scarf music just in my head cause he aint giving it to me

i hate this country.

now that this optimistic statement is out of the way, i wanted to share my week with you. each day, i had classes starting at 1 (except today, 12, and i was a fantastic loser and was 20 minutes late… i ended up not even finding the room. it wasn’t a class, but a one time tutorial. i presume its not the end of days. otherwise i’m on the ball, more or less. this weekend will show how well i can work, considering i have 4 assignments assigned for next 2 weeks, and a huge essay that i should start preparing for now…). so, yeah, 1. then an hour of class. then an hour break, or 4 hour break, which i invariably ended up spending with profs or studying. after that another 2 hour class, and another break, and then 6-9 class. i mean, you saw my schedule, but all that empty space is filled up in my palm pilot with hues of red, blue and green (i have a 9 color coding system, for classes, meetings, tutorials, h/w preparation, friend meeting, stuff i should do, etc)

yeah, im tired. i guess i am not used to this 9 hours a day of thinking… it sounds like a little, but it feels like hell of a lot more.

so, yeah, churches.

europe is full of churches. its nice in a way, i don’t look at them as a religious thing, but a nice thing of old architecture and silence, and peacefulness aside.
and it seems that each city makes it responsibility to have a church of our lady. i understand mary is a big deal and all, but translated it “notre dame”, which freaks you out quite a bit when you’re not actually in paris and see this sign.

the photo is in luxembourg, by the way. the church is called notre dame. and despite crappy weather that we caught when we went there, the city was soaked through european with charm. over canada, i would take that. even though it was not nearly as nice as other cities (which grantedly, were far warmer, and less grey-weathered).

i’m still not over it. i miss it. i want to leave this place.

oh yeah, and the no words thing? i guess i wasn’t being truthful. but its my blog, so no words just means the photo is the key… i guess… or something. next time it’ll be all silent again.