more organizing

i really can’t remember when the dream has started. i always wanted to be one of THOSE people with many sized transparent bins in their cupboards, each one dedicated to something. stacked, neatly. nothing expired. everything within reach.

i never thought about what THOSE people actually store out of reach.

we have 3 cabinets, 3 drawers, and 7 half drawers, to store all that a kitchen can. today, after 2 trips to a container/organizer store, we are now proud owners of a pantry/cabinet that looks, and feels like perfection. in the process of organizing to my great amusement i learned that:
– i had 4 (!!!!!!) open packets of abrorio rice (risotto stuff)
– less then 1 serving of normal rice
– way too much tagliatelle (2 containers worth!)
– 2 jars of yeast (probably should toss some at this point)
etc etc etc

the 4 packs of risotto i find hilarious. its one of my ultra favourite dishes to make – bacon/mushroom risotto is just super easy and amaaaaaaaaaazingly delicious. completely unhealthy, of course. i guess each time i felt like it i got a pack.

this organizing kick has a pleasant side effect that i feel more at peace and organized overall. there’s something very satisfying that when i think about the “dark corners” of the condo — where clutter accumulates, and where i know there are piles Of Things Unknown — there are at least half as many due to my recent efforts.

and when i get the wire racks to clean and organize dishes, i will be one of THOSE people, if only for a little while.

media i’m enjoying and kitchen update

Lady Gaga, of course. All of her. Alejandro especially.

this knock off bag

IKEA’s new textile line

all the kitchens below on the path in our renovation :-)

All inspiration and floor plans are here

Currently I’m pricing contractors, finishes and appliances. The floorplan is basically finalized (last images in the set linked above), cabinets are most likely the shiny white abstract ikea line. Still up for debate:





I really love white careera marble but its freaking expensive from what I hear.

this beautiful preppy look

The desire for the material is awful. I want new shoes, I want to update my wardrobe to be more classic (as if I don’t have enough black in my closet), I want that knock off bag.

My camera seems to have died. Rest in peace, d70. I have no money to get a new one given how I want a new kitchen. Let’s just hope I won’t need to take any photos in the next month. (HAH).

I learned how to make some REALLY kick ass cocktails recently. @shazow and @limedaring were kind enough to let me experiment on them sunday night; then the experiments continued after the lovely dinner at colbourne lane (which apparently is probably like the fanciest restaurant in the city? who knew. SIMONA my darling coworker knew. here is simona.

simona - glance

she took us there as a treat, silly lady. though it was still much appreciated.), when simona came by for continuation of the party. i managed to whip up 4 different cocktails from what seemed absolutely no ingridients on hand.

one milky. (zeus’s… magic juice, let’s say, though our name is a bit more dirty)

one chocolaty (no name)

one lemony (elephaunt lips)

one sweet (a modified sweet lips or something like that)

i’m missing grenadine among other necessary ingridients

tonight i made banana bread and it again succeeded. if you ever want to try making it, this recipe can do no wrong. even with week old bananas. for serious. and it takes like 5 minutes all together of effort for a week of breakfasts. amazing.

proque te vas