remarkably sick.

date: 1108832815

mood: i can’t feel my brain
listening to:dj shadow – stem/long stem (2004 In Tune and On Time)



last saturday i woke up with a sore throat, headache, and generally a cold.

a week later, i woke up, and i think i have the flu.

-nothing- changed, and if anything things became worse.

nice reading week, eh?

study update:
nn: ~40-50% done
cog lin: prof said he’ll consider my final exam to weigh more if i do significantly better on it, he’s sure i’ll do well anyway. prepared however: 90%
data structures, algorithms, analysis: 5% or so. i’m freaking out. i can’t think.
programming languags: 30% or so. i need to review scheme thoroughly and i cannot concentrate.

today i’ll be heading for the clinic, to wait in the likely 2 hour line up to get antibiotics.

the good days when i was not sick… *sigh*

still sick

date: 1108881080

mood: exahusted from this suppsedly relaxed week, at least it’ll be over soon.
listening to:abba – does your mother know

went to the hospital, taking antibiotics. sinus infections are painful and not fun, don’t get them kids. not fun. blah. midterms.. not ready…

in other news

this is what happens when olya goes through old photographs. YOU might be next! mwahahahaha!

You’re so hot, teasing me
So you’re blue but I can’t take a chance on a chick like you
That’s something I couldn’t do
There’s that look in your eyes
I can read in your face that your feelings are driving you wild
Ah, but girl you’re only a child

Well I can dance with you honey
If you think it’s funny
Does your mother know that you’re out?
And I can chat with you baby
Flirt a little maybe
Does your mother know that you’re out?

(yes, and an emberassing song to boot too!)

life is full of surprises

date: 1109174387

mood: nervous (midterm in linguistics), happy.
listening to:madonna – ray of light

and sometimes things just keep getting better.

i have no time or stuff to write except weeeeeee. yooouuu knooooow what i’m talking about.

and so, february comes to a close

date: 1109564783

listening to:

its amazing. 2 months already finished. it feels like my birthday was a few days ago! but as life shows, happiness can continue throughout the flow of time with complete disregard for midterms, work, assignments, and anything else that can pop up in its way.

i am completely drooling over these purses at the moment. i have a laptop, right? and i have a bunch of really ugly ways of carrying it arround. and with some nice stuff that seems to be happening very soon i might even be able to splurge on one of these babies. i’m just not sure which one and they are all. so. good. – check out the red one. i have a red jacket. its a match made in heaven! – or any of the other ones at this website. colors are so pretty. PINK. aah. *dies* and it comes in 12 inch size too. which is what i’d prefer, given that i have a tiny notebook and i want a tiny bag damnit! – also available in 12 inch size. i’m not a huge fan of the colors, but it seems to fit also the powersupply, and pda/cellphone which i also need. add a wallet and i’m set for school. – there are also cool. the black one is neat. “Two slide outer pockets, interior organizational compartment for zip files,cds, business cards, diskettes,pens & notepads.” yum. except not avaialble in small. – smart, stylish. business. maybe too businessy for me, but definitely better than what i have now! also for larger notebooks. – looks nice. a bit simple, but very stylish.
from target, rip off of acme bags from this place – looks interesting.

in other interesting news:
numbers as sensations – a first person look from an autistic savant perspective. interesting and good read. ~10-15 minutes reading, depending on individual speed.

c’est tout, mes amis, just for now.

best things in life

date: 1109698998

mood: perfectly and absolutely content
listening to:

typing while this beast is lying right under my right hand and contently breakthing on it, is juts awesome. since im on the laptop i barely move my wrists even to move the mouse pointer, so my hands are stable. i let her lie on the bed, so its me, then her and her nose/muzzle is right under my hand. and she put it there herself! and i can feel her breathing.

i don’t want to move, its nice here.

*shady wakes up, gives me this “wtf are you moving for” half asleep look*
its awesome, her eyes are like half closed and its really is a sleepy-wtf look that people have.

i love my dog.

week-after-the-week- afterreading-week

date: 1109799340

mood: anticipation and exhibliration at the same time
listening to:linguistics prof

its hard to believe 2 weeks since reading week have passed. i finished drinking the antibiotics that the doctor prescribed, so now i’m officially healthy.

i’m really getting into this whole photo posting thing. i should make this more efficient somehow.

so, all exams are finished as of 53 minutes ago. i wrote my programming languages exam and then ran to lecture, where i was successfully late by about 10 minutes. however we are covering reading which isn’t a big deal.

today is a Good Day, despite Bad News last night, which were followed by Good Meetings and more Good Meetings will occur.

no interesitng links. go read slashdot. it looks good today.

picture from swizterland. people LIVE there.

Robin: You can’t get away from Batman that easy!
Batman: Easily.
Robin: Easily.
Batman: Good grammar is essential, Robin.
Robin: Thank you.
Batman: You’re welcome.

oh yeah. SCARFETTE! larger laptops is boorns, it should beSMALLER. what does my closest SCARFETTE CERTIFIED™ consultant say about that? (although i really do like your plan)

the beginning of the end of winter

date: 1110251532

listening to:fatboy slim – kung fu fighting (dance remix)

winter is showing its death. while weather may still try to force itself through, its futile, for the snow is melting. and even though on the walk from robarts to bahen to get a ride home i slipped and almost fell at least 10 times, it doesn’t count, because i didn’t fall and because i didn’t have to swim across the road cross, like i had to last week.

and even if its cold, and even if the weather is sunny only once a week, and even if the wind still tries to knock me off my feet and breaks my umbrella, and even if it rains and snows and sleet, you can still see that its the last heartbeats of winter. cause spring is in the air.

that’s right people, seasons are achangin’.

in other news. this week is beautiful. i handed in today the only assignment i had for the whole week. i still plan to sink every free minute this week until thursday/friday/saturday into work and study in order to have the weekend totally free. hopefully i’ll even do something grand for my mom so that this weekend she’ll be happy. any ideas on what major thing makes moms happy?

Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those cats were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightning
But they fought with expert timing

and for the grand finale that you have been waiting for. click here and die from joy

sunny, ice patches, wind, but blue skies ahead

date: 1110351815

mood: ++happy, ++sleepy
listening to:

tuesday passed. with it march 8th, international women’s day which apparently had roots in u.s. who knew?
my mom said its mothers day. its not! its women’s day in russia. i still cleaned the house a bit.

i think the principle of “do nothing for a long time and small stuff will be significant” is mean but correct. as guilty as i feel for not helping out around the house, i can spend like 30 minutes tidying up and my mom is happy. its not really fair… but it worked for this day.

today the interesting dillema of where to sit in a crowded lounge occured. do you share a table with other random people? do you haunt around comfy chairs waiting for someone to move? do you simply pick another building?
you find a nook between two walls where you can curl up, and spend 1.5 hours surfing wirelessly. how unproductively fun.

i realized today that you know how people always recoommend to take brain developing other materials in college. you know, if you’re in math do some humanities, etc. they are completely right. and today i became convinced that a great thing for most people to take is cognitive science. i honestly cannot claim how great it will be for your educational career, but the amount of brain stretching that goes on is awesome. you think about thinking, how emotions affect rationality (NEAT stuff), about how to build robots out of lego, how to deal with stress (on a very applicable literal level). fun! good lecture today.

also, i’m addicted to chai latte’s from 2nd cup. like, seriously. its a problem. i need help. otherwise i’ll go broke buying them.


i got a job.


question of the day: how do you help out around the house, given you live with parents, as i believe majority of my readership are?