getting to know me!

date: 1106932035

listening to:

i’m boring. :)

1. What Time Is It: 11:51am

2. Name As It Appears On Birth Certificate: Olga S*n*k**v [to avoid google indexing]

3. Nicknames: err, olya. some people rarely switch to olenka and my dad, my mom and and my aunt call me lyagushonok, and ol’ka. my mom calls me ol’gushonol (which is i guess a mix). the rest of the world says olga, bastards. :)

4. Piercing: 0. *shudder*

5. Most Recent Movie You’ve Seen In Theater: Ocean’s Twelve

6. Eye Color: blue (grey? one of my friends claims its green)

7. Hair Color: blonde

8. Place Of Birth: Voronezh, Russia

9. Ever Been To Africa: nope

10. Ever Been Toilet Papering: nope

11. Love Someone So Much It Made You Cry: yup

12. Been In A Car Accident: nope

13. Croutons Or Bacon Bits: not right now, usually both

14. Favorite Day Of The Week: all of them

15. Favorite Night To Go Out On: saturday (friday i’m too tired from school)

16. Favorite Flowers: all of them. <3 flowers. most favourites are elegant, simple, big, minimalistic. 17. Favorite Sport To Watch: aerobics, figureskating, hockey, soccer, tennis, skiing, snowboarding, extreme sports 18. Favorite Drink: green tea 19. Favorite Ice Cream: russian vanilla 20. Disney Or Warner Brothers: pixar! 21. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: aah, yuck. probably BK, but generally no. 22. What Color Is Your Bedroom Carpet: no carpet, wooden floors 23. How Many Times Did You Fail Your Driver's Test: 0 24. Before This One, From Who Did You Get Your Last E-Mail: a friend from univ 25. Which Store Would You Choose To Max Out Your Credit Card: depending in the limit ;) <100, chapters, <1000, ikea, <10000, henrys 26. What Do You Do Most Often When You Are Bored: slashdot, editing photos 27. Bedtime: after 12am, usually 1-2am 28. Who Will Respond The Quickest: err, respond to my blog? =p diny probably ;) keeping with the trend so far... 29. Who Is The Person That'll See This That Is Least Likely To Respond: my parents (yup, they're aware of this blog!) 30. Who Are You Most Curious About Their Responses To This Questionnaire? *skratches head* 31. Favorite Tv Shows: family guy, futurama 32. Last Person You Went To Dinner With: scarf 33. Ford Or Chevy: ford, specifically aston martin (yeah, i got taste) http://www.spiceisle…artin%20Venquish.jpg

34. What Are You Listening To Right Now: guns n’ roses, take me down to paradise city

35. What Is Your Favorite Color:

36. Lake, Ocean Or River: any

37. How Many Tattoos Do You Have: none

38. Democrat Or Republican: democrat , i think (liberal?)

39. Time You Finished Answering This: 11:59am

the “oh shit” moment

date: 1107359806

listening to:

is when you realize that next week you don’t have 4 assignments due.

nono, its 5.

monday: programming
tuesday: 2000 word essay and neural net assignment
wed: linguistics
thursday: the dreaded data logic and analysis.

so basically, until thursday 9pm, if you cant help me with the above, i don’t know you nor i have time for you. :)

i just woke up and i feel tired. and scared. and stressed. and determined to kick ass on these, but still, daunted by the fact that i only have 2 of them started. linguistics wil be easy and short, so its not _that_ big of a deal, but its at least another hour of work.
programming, i’m about 70% done. at testing/debugging stage now.
essay, doing research, as i have no sources. subject, cognitive processes of procrastination.
neural nets, will be about 6 hours of work.
data & anal.? no. clue. its hard.

70% done? riiight

date: 1107758572

listening to:

hly hell
the scheme programming assignment is done. by me. its perfect. works like it should. finished an hour ago.

70% done? riiight. i had so many things wrong, i had not a clue… fast forward, i spent about 40 hours looking at nothing but brackets.

next up:
2000 word essay on procrastination
neural networks

due tuesday

im already turning to mush.

thank you for the support… it makes me feel nice. which is pretty much all that can make my life better at this point.

neural networks study analogy

date: 1108492802

mood: sin curve
listening to:some random stuff playing on the other computer




this was a typically ridiculous greeting. this was sarcasm. do not panic. i repeat, do not panic. i will not, i repeat, i will not begin writing like this. you may now proceed to your predetermined emergency exits, or whatever the hell you were doing before.

cold medicine rocks.

*yawn* study sucks!

date: 1108712833

listening to:

i am appalled at the fact that the majority of those reading are reading solely to hear themselves mentiond (9 versus 8). as such, i demand, cast yourself forward! i thought like 5 people read this blog in the first place, scarf, maha, hesi, and 2 r/l people, one family friend in california, and one highschool/university friend (and he too doesn’t read this daily or anything). who the hell are the other 12? :p

i declare, cast yourself forward! otherwise how can i mention your names :p


i’m a losah. diny, mental, skoey, b6, alinster and proobably lush too also read this page. *faints* you people care!

okay, so that’s… like … 11 peope… that’s still mising 7 :p

update 2

one more person came forward o_O



i love you man *sniff*.
and yay picture.

remarkably sick.

date: 1108832815

mood: i can’t feel my brain
listening to:dj shadow – stem/long stem (2004 In Tune and On Time)



last saturday i woke up with a sore throat, headache, and generally a cold.

a week later, i woke up, and i think i have the flu.

-nothing- changed, and if anything things became worse.

nice reading week, eh?

study update:
nn: ~40-50% done
cog lin: prof said he’ll consider my final exam to weigh more if i do significantly better on it, he’s sure i’ll do well anyway. prepared however: 90%
data structures, algorithms, analysis: 5% or so. i’m freaking out. i can’t think.
programming languags: 30% or so. i need to review scheme thoroughly and i cannot concentrate.

today i’ll be heading for the clinic, to wait in the likely 2 hour line up to get antibiotics.

the good days when i was not sick… *sigh*