preparations: 3 weeks to go

date: 1091941248 (August 8 2004)

mood: nervous
listening to:spider man, spider man, wealth and fame, he

i have never left home for 4 months. i mean, totally alone from everyone.
im trying to figure out how to not forget anything.

and i jut found out that there’s an ikea in my next door town, which costs only 10 euro’s to get to, and that means i can leave some stuff at home (no, im not gonna buy furniture and get it here, i mean stuff like clothe hangers and a bed stand, cuz i wont have one – so like something simple)

i only wish their website could in english! babel fish and their website programming kinda doesnt work.…01&StoreName=heerlen


date: 1092196264

mood: sick to my bones
listening to:

i’m sick, again! that’s twice, fever and really headache in 2 weeks. and throat hurt for whole week.

the world is ending, i came to check on people and almost no one updated their blogs.
like, we’re getting a life. or growing up. or just its summer and we’re all busy not doing anything.

being sick, sucks.

16 days left.


date: 1092339549

mood: speechlessly happy
listening to:driving songs

i cried before and i danced after.

hesi, your driving instructor is the best evah.

i am exstatic. (sic?)

and im going to go… DRIVE. on my own. wooooooooooo!

camping weekend

date: 1092630494

mood: speechlessly happy
listening to:delerium – truly (featuring nerina pallot) OMFG HTE BEST SONG EVAH

okay, it should be illegal to be so happy.

i had an awesome weekend. i can’t even begin to describe. thank you.

it is so nice to spend time with people and be completely de-stressed, and not worried and stuffs.

this is how olya looks right before falling asleep:

next week is my last week of work, and the week after that i’m leaving to maastricht.

w00t wed

date: 1092830785

mood: in pain but excited
listening to:

omg wednedsday! okay that looks like it has too many d’s in it.

yay i’m getting a haircut today!

aaand possible a movie afterwards! woohoo!

aand free bbq today at work!

now i’mgoing to go take some advils and the world will become a bettah place.

last night was hilarious. scarf can’t tell time but he can paint within the lines. b6, stop hitting on him already! we all know the truth…

and the truth shall be revealed..

oh shit, there’s my alarm clock, i’m late.

oh well, no truth for you today.

saved by the bell

date: 1092916360

mood: sleepy /excited
listening to:

okaay so i was gonna write an entry last night but i had to do some sleeping and i got carried away.

i ended up not getting a haircut yesterday cause the washing thing for hair broke (in hairdresser’s place), and she can’t cut my hair if its dry, and i was gonna get highlights and we’d need water, so i couldn’t wash and come.

so its moved to sunday morning.


i’m gonna enterntain you by juggling these coffee cups… but my mom would kill me if i broke them, so instead i’ll share the great news of today.

i woke up early (6:40), reluctantly climbed out of bed, took a shower and dried my hair. (7:00) usually i have like 20 minutes to dress before my parents wake up and my mom drops me and dad off at the subway.
but my mom was already up
(exciting, eh?)
anyway, point is my mom was leaving early and my dad tagged along, but since its my last week and i don’t really have anything to do – 2 days left – i stayed home.

this is the first time in at least 4 months when i have the house all to myself in the morning. i drank tea, ate two great sandwiches with cream cheese. and watching saved by the bell. teehee.

uhm, this was perhaps the most pointless entry evah. and i gotta go actually dress. but this lying down watching tv sufing and being all alone was AWESOME!

Update: my package is coming here!!! UPS is AWESOME. it was moving over night (i can see with the tracking number) and its now in concord:…C+ontario&country=ca
it came there at 6:37am
i wish it coul dbe delivered before i left!

heey big spender

date: 1093205632

mood: buzzed
listening to:

like, damn

i spent so much in the past few days

canada shirt
new lens
macro ring
computer hardware

and stuffs…

and i wish i could have one more day just out of it to not do anything. i have been up each day from 10am to 3am. its sick i tell you!

i got a haircut. yay!

i had some thoughts but im a blonde so who cares and i dont remember anyway. when i do i’ll let you know. ;)…roduct?product_id=47
my new lens!


date: 1093441858

mood: sleepy, bouncy
listening to:

time FLIES.
its already wednesday.
and tomorrow is my flight.
and i’m not packed yet!
am im so nervous that i’m not really sleeping at night anymore. i just kinda wake up every few hours.
and i woke up by myself at 9. i fell asleep at 3. how weird is that!
my external usb enclosure turns out to be broken. no cd/dvd write/read.

i’m gonna go finish packing. (or start, really). my goal is to be done by 1pm.

last night i went out with a bunch of people whom i know from high school. one of the guys i haven’t seen in *2 years*. it was really cool, and fun. they all were joking about certain things that netherlands is famous for. :)

okay im gonna run wake up,

bee great!