exam is over

date: 1083734428

mood: on a scale of 1 to 10, -100
listening to:rem – man on the moon (was playing on the radio now its in my head)

just letting you know.
don’t ask.
just tell me a … something nice. postive. cheery. anything really. a plus sign will do.

yay i’m healing

date: 1083913950

mood: http://www.parlux.com/notes-opac-w.htm
listening to:

okay so its fairly late but i FEEL that i’m getting better. today was so bad – i woke up totally hurting from the teeth and most of the day (up until 8pm or so) i felt like … Shit. you know. so bad, coudln’t get up, could barely move, weak etc.

anyway, around 8 i got some energy, then around 11 i felt like dying again (relaly really bad wave of feeling horrible) and around 1 i felt starving.

went upstairs to make scrambled eggs but all was asleep, so i was like … “nah, i’m not gonna put the effort into it now” i stole this pudding like thing my mom made for me. it came in perfectly useful for the moment – no effort and its sweet and non-chew-required-ab le.

anyway, i feel better. and i foud this perfume that makes me Happy. it was just lying on the kitchen counter and i totally love the smell. i wanna get it! and its the first perfume that makes me feel that way.

exceeept… no clue where to find it!

anyway, i’m done and out. i feel less painful yay!


date: 1084077991

listening to:

i’m eating sandwiches. well, no crust andit hurts like hell, and i think it made a part of my stich come out so it kinda hurts now, but i was so hungry.

i’m getting better exponentially. its really quite amazing. the first day felt like forever, so did the 2nd day, and today its almost normal, except its not.

apparently not eating makes you weak! who’d have thunk. i drank so much the past few days it freaks me out.

and yes, i caught up on my tv watching. except i don’t think i remember much as i was semi asleep most of the time.

good way to heal i guess.

its the small things

date: 1084262793

mood: grand. http://www.striffler.com/images/p3d_12-03a-web.jpg
listening to:kosheen – blue eyed boy

  • i’m fixated on the song kosheen – blue eyed boy. can’t stop listening to the first 2 minutes of it. and then i rewind and repeat.
  • i lost wallet with all my money in it. no id. ~30$. i was saving money to buy stuff.
  • today i went shopping for an interview shirt.
  • interview got cancelled.
  • couldn’t buy non interview stuff since i lost wallet.

    i’m so happy. i mean… small things. don’t matter. this bugged me greately about 12 hours ago. but now it doesn’t matter… i’m content.

    *rewinds song agian*

    i’m typing this and going to sleep. analyzing life is a tired task.

  • my mouse scroll wheel started working. it went all weird for a minute and opened a shitload of windows from a current page and then it started working again. it wasn’t working for like 2 days.
  • my favourites bar is functioning

    i am going to sleep soon. did i say that? yeah, i did.

    i started typing an apology to the many people who i could’ve hurt in the short amt of time i spent on the computer. but you know, i don’t mean harm.

    whoa, today (i just realized) i tried to help 2 people and i think i ended up making life worse for both of them. i guess i shouldn’t meddle in whats not mine…

    damn this song is addictive.

    i’m finally going to go to my bed. no crawly thingies tonight.

  • organization

    date: 1084663978

    mood: agitated, cleaning
    listening to:johnny cash – one

    4 bright markers
    2 green pens
    1 pink pen
    3 red pens
    2 novelty pens
    3 black pens
    5 blue pens
    3 silver markers
    4 permanent markers
    1 fineline marker

    help! which should i keep for a stylish desk?

    (yes i’m distracting myself from the fact that the wires on my desk meant for my palm are now useless and i had to move them away. theifs suck.)

    word of the day

    date: 1084936700

    mood: tired
    listening to:olya – I HAVE A JOB (didn’t you hear it yet??)

    at my new job i have been studying project managment.

    one of the 9 parts of PM knowledge body is procurement.

    i made a specific note to look that word up cause books explain procurement – “to procure”



    check this out

    Verb: procure
    1. Get by special effort
    2. Arrange for sexual partners for other

    i knew they were fishy.

    also today.

    hesi exhibit. cooooooooooool. hesi is like, a real exhibited person now.
    me 4.5 hours sleep
    me wake up 6am tomorrow.

    to talk about procurement.


    i’m glad b6’s car is okay.

    holy batman

    date: 1085021051

    mood: tired
    listening to:

    i woke up at 6am, got up at 6:30, 6:45 i left, 7:35 i was at metro convention centre, 10:00pm i came home.


    yeah, duuh.
    tis all good though.

    so many dreams swinging out of the blue

    date: 1085426201

    mood: harmony
    listening to:temperance – forever young (club mix)

    in the end,
    there is always a beginning.

    heaven can wait, we’re only watching the skies, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst

    let us die young or let us live forever

    we don’t have the power
    but we never say never

    sitting in a sandpit,
    life is a short trip

    the music’s for the sad men

    forever young, I want to be forever young
    Do you really want to live forever
    Forever – and ever