
date: 1079535608

mood: happy but snowy :(
listening to:unchained melody dance remix

good morning!
i don’t have anything to say except that.
apparently my palm uncharges slower if i charge it with the usb connection isntead of the “charger” that came with it. weirdness.
give me music ideas. shoutcast station links.

cookies, coffee

date: 1079837327

mood: very loving
listening to:dj doboy – eurojams volume 01

today went totally like not i expected.
the concert i thought i had today will be in a week.
i started doing assignment 06 in programming (gasp! 3 days early!)
i looked at a lot of clothing sites.

click shoe

i have a shoe exactly like that. like, transparentish, same form, different decoration on the thingie but the idea is like the same. $350 from saks fifth avenue – free from my closet!

click nice fashion site. not for content but for links.

just now i came back from coffee with hesi. i haven’t seen her in weeks – far too long, and haven’t spoken to her in like, forever. it was the best coffee i had in … forever, not because coffee was great but because we had such an awesome time together. i absolutely love hesi. no matter how much time passes we can still have this perfect conversation where you know what the other person means before they say it and anything is a good topic, and you can rant and share as much as you want. it was perfect! hesi i love you.

i’m really happy from that. i hope your saturday evening is as happy as mine!

on the subject of studying.

date: 1079896337

listening to:

“Dad, as intelligence goes up, happiness often goes down. In fact, I’ve made a graph… I make a lot of graphs.”
— Lisa Simpson

As Sex and the City’s Carrie finally wanders off the UK’s television screens, physicists at the Institute of Physics (London, UK) have devised a formula that high-heel fans can use to work out just how high they can go. Based on your shoe size, the formula tells you the maximum height of heel you can wear without toppling over or suffering agonies. It’s h = Q.(12+3s /8)



date: 1079991358

mood: very _______
listening to:Ago – Tell me Where you Are

i need more time and more concentration.

i have a lot of pretty clothes. and a pink jacket too!

i was right.

date: 1080008998

mood: pissed off
listening to:NIN – Hurt

class MyClass:
    "A simple example class"
    i = 12345
    def f(self):
        return 'hello world'

then MyClass.i and MyClass.f are valid attribute references, returning an integer and a method object, respectively.

not a good idea

date: 1080018904

listening to:

note to self:
posting while boiling mad at someone who doesn’t even read this blog is NOT a good idea as it confuses my friends and leads to general screwed upness.

i am seriously considering dropping computer science major. i dislike programming, or at least i think i dislike it despite my parents keeping on insiting how much i really do like i just dont know it yet.

i have 5 half courses left. its nothing, really, i could theoretically be done with all of them within the next year.


i don’t feel like giving up, but right now all i want is NOT to program but to do logic proofs. (go figure…)


date: 1080103423

mood: relaxed
listening to:marilyn manson – i don’t like the drugs

i overreact too quickly.
i was walking home and thinking of a neat algorithm.
maybe there is osmething for me in those “com-puters”, but yeah, i just need better timing sot hat i don’t end up freaking out in the last second and not being able to get a grip on myself.

my day went so not how i expected. i have a beaaaaaaaautiful plan to finish 1.5 assignments meet prof, have lunch with dad and then go shopping in chinatown.
unfortunately things didn’t work out… anyway. point being i finished assignment 5 minutes before it was due, handed it in (CVS), ran to class (mmm showered looking pretty).

i have too many (shitty) bags. MUST have garage sale this spring and get rid of all the weird junk.
anyway, on a … hmm, weird, on a garage sale last year i got this … “wetsuit ™ 4.0” made by “silicon sports”

its a thingie like this http://i8.ebayimg.co…/i/00/b3/1b/6f_1.JPG (only flatter, all black, more like tiny suitcase, it fits on a regular sheet of paper) which is theoretically for some form of an HP laptop (has a built in metalish plate for hte keyboard). its light, compact and … i dunno i never used it as a bag but it fits 2 palms, keyboard, wallet, lipgloss, mp3player, cellphone, pen – very neately. no space left but yeah, its super neat and accessible.

its getting warmer. its awesome!

tediousness and agitation

date: 1080194032

mood: semi stressed out
listening to:danceish remix of early 90s music.

my life has become one tedious repetition.
it is not a bad thing but this week had so many changes. i met people who i don’t usually see and didn’t see people whom i usually do see.
i’m tired, i want a break.
i want a job, i want a dslr, i want better marks in my courses, i want more time, i want my back to stop hurting. why am i so stressed out when just 3 hours ago i was relaxed and happy?

do i really just crash under stress?

how the heck am i going to live life if every time something upsets me i swing full way?

am i really that bipolar? do i fit the definition? i

don’t know.

my sandwich

date: 1080368436

mood: relaxed
listening to:

2 slices multigrain white bread, toasted
1 Tbsp. MIRACLE WHIP Dressing mayo
1 tsp. chopped fresh basil
1 romaine lettuce leaf
heapful of mixed greens
5 slices OSCAR MAYER Deli Style Smoked russian Ham
2 thin peeled avocado slices
1 tomato slice
SPREAD toast slices with dressing; sprinkle with basil.
TOP 1 of the toast slices with lettuce, ham, avocado and tomato; cover with remaining toast slice.

i pulled an all nighter last night, then i slept for roughly an hour during my break, then i had half a boring class, then i came home, i walked around ate fantastic fish, fell asleep and slept until 10ish, woke up, did more stuff on the computer, had the abovementioned FANTASTIC sandwich, aaand that’s it. so calm and peaceful.

and the sandwich is amazing i’m so making that again tomorrow. avocado is the BESTEST thing evah.

oh and i want more cookies. =)