java, cognition, perception, language acquisition

date: 1076479935

mood: peaceful, tired
listening to:x-perience – my life goes on

lyrics of the moment

changes all around and everytime
and everything is changed in my head
i’m longing for a change
i wouldn’t beg but for a change
i never will get
i spend my time in learning
everytime i learn i turn blue into red

my life goes on
i just wanna have fun
leaving shadows into the sun

i get in troeble with some friends of mine
they´ve told me there is no need to change
we quarrel it becomes a colder time
and now im freezing down to the bones
nothing changes but i’ve lost 2 friends
and that depends on changing myself

i had a midterm to day on cognition, chapters 1,2,3 and 9. it was okay, not amazing, not horrible, i’m not thinking about it.

anyway, midterm tomorrow, on perception.

olya 2/11/2004 1:23 AM: dear god this material is so fucking boring
*Spades 2/11/2004 1:24 AM: no… this material puts Boring to sleep

my thoughts so far.
its not that bad, its just boring. its all about the little details about the muscular structure of the eye and such. shitload of memorization. i hate memorization. i hate study period, i just like the result. and my headaches ain’t going away.

thursday i have language acquisition.

its great that 2 out of 4 are done though.

i had plans

date: 1076696486

mood: untensing
listening to:sarah vaughan – whatever lola wants

but then i slept.


my last midterm went as bad as it could have went. sucky, my fav course too.

now, though

all fun.

preparing for my reading week trip.
finally, all the stress will be gone. i feel like life has been throwing big rocks at me and at last it stoped.

except that im late to a doc appt (don’t worry, its just general), so i can’t tell you more about how i plan to lie on the warm beach and do nothing.

oops! ;)

i’m back from cuba!

date: 1077546059

mood: so happy
listening to:hits 1035

i’m tanned.
it was very nice.
i have a lot of photographs but no card reader and most of them are on a laptop which i dont have.

my muscles hurt like hell from the horse ride i had last day, but its all good.

i’m tired, but i’m not … tired. all stress and problems are gone. apparently sand is a great healer! :)

i’m going to go prepare for school.
11-12, logic, 12-1 CHINESE, yum, 1-2 computer science, aaaand i’m gonna go home.

speaking of which someone is home so im gonna go talk to them

can good mood be spoiled?

date: 1077637989

mood: frustrated
listening to:hits 1035


just fail a midterm! and get 69% on the other one.

i got 19/20 on programming assignment.

you know, as much as it pisses me off, and upsets me, i’m still not worried. maybe i’lld rop, maybe i’ll just barely pass – of course i can wave bye bye to my wished 3.0 gpa.

but … well, blah.

my happy things for today: pretty cuba pictures. soft bed. friendly dog. i’ll dress pretty and feel pretty. i’ll meet friends. i ate a tasty breakfast. sunny outside.

i love being happy!

date: 1078293301

mood: concentrated, like orange juice, happy like the sun
listening to:edge 102.1

i am happy despite all the bad stuff that’s happening to me! assignments, marks, lateness, weather, food, lack of it, stomach pain (and no lack of that) and im still very very happy

smile and the world smiles with you

3 people told me today i look nice. i wonder if that’s a side effect of happiness.

and its even better that its totally independent of everything. i am happy for myself, and i haven’t felt like that in a while.

right now i’m : doing my cs assignment. aah headache! :D


date: 1078378901

mood: the sun has set, but it shall rise
listening to:russkiy razmer – vsye vernyetsa nazad

i guess happiness has to pay off. i’m swinging like crazy, meaning that every 5 minutes i can be ecstatically laughing or depressed out of my mind. or .. well, okay, happiness traces don’t let me be too depressed, just this calm peaceful relaxation where i’m quietly editing my linguistics article and not really feeling happy but it feels good.

i had stuff to say. but late assignments, average tests and messy rooms don’t really matter as long as you have friends.

aand music fits. which is why im blogging. i’m recording this perfect moment where the music ideally matches my mood.