week schedule – pre

monday: finish fashion photographs (2 hours), read prior to psych class (1 hour), work (2 hours), work on movie assignment (2 hours)
tuesday: assignment, classes, quiz
wed: meet scarf prior to class, have movie class, then karmun is d/t to visit tim and me
thursday: showing off our moved around again apartment to maha! (the place feels more and more great)
saturday: seeing parents!
sunday: seeing parents! (finally, its been months)

that’s a great week! woohoo! i hope i didn’t forget anything :S

friday schedule – post

oh man this day went wrong so many ways. but, finally, it was all good.

9:30am: woke up, had a ginormous breakfast of eggs and bacon. in case anyone kept track – thursday all i had was breakfast and that salad.
10:45am: heading to vistek via a streetcar
11:20: at vistek, returning all equipment. no problems.
12:30: at u of t, bio tech conference lunch – good stuff.
3:30: realizing i’m late to a beautician appt. run out of a meeting @ biotech with a very interesting person (ouch), en route realize scarf is downtown for 30 mins and is waiting for me. call scarf, apologize profusely, promise i’ll be there very very soon.
4:00: meet scarf
10:00: get home after having a bottle of sake and a pear/green tea type coctail. GOOD TIMES. (i imitated a truck in the snow! just like my dad showed me when i was young.)
Xam: go to sleep after having blissful computer time

thursday schedule – post

let it be said thursday was freaking crazy. 15kms biked anyone?

9am: got up
9:45am: first errand ran
10:15am: biked to adelaide & young, tried to pick up business cards – that didn’t work as they weren’t ready
10:45: biked to vistek, rented lenses and no flash due to them being out. (105mm macro and 17-55/2.8 omg i want them both.)
11:40: back in the house, business cards will pick up from dad @5
12: after a fast salad biked to subway
1pm: at finch, waiting to pick up camera
1:30: picked up camera
2:20: back in the house
3:40: outfit to wear picked out (how did time fly so fast in this period, i dont know), left to buy batteries
4:10: at class, with batteries bought
5:20: met dad, got (wicked) business cards
5:40: back at home, starting to pack
7pm: after another coffee, everything packed, taxi in the front – leaving to event
1am: back at home, via cab (thank goodness), with a sore neck from 2 cameras and 4 lenses.

discoveries of the day:

  • i’m about 1 foot shorter than a photographer should be. out of everyone on the press stage i had the most difficult time getting OVER people’s heads. argh.
  • equipment is freaking heavy. i had big swollen painful spots on my neck from straps for 2 days later. now its not swollen but still hurts.
  • good batteries REALLY pay off – i only used 1 set for everything (camera, my own flash)
  • i want 105mm macro so badly. SUCH a GREAT lens. same as 17-55… i hate my kit lens.
  • shooting such events is a surprising amount of fun – all access didn’t hurt.

fashion canada INDEED rocks!

thursday schedule – pre

10am: wake up, call dad and figure out when to pick up business cards
10-3pm: get flash from vistek, get business cards
3pm: have a large lunch/dinner
3:50pm: bike to tutorial
4pm: movie tutorial

5pm: bike home, shower, pack, call cab for 6
6pm – 2am: fashion canada rocks photoshoot. cross your fingers that all my equipment functions accordingly.

so, never mind!

9am: get up
10am: get cards, and vistek stuff
12:30pm: head to north york, borrow 2nd camera body from a friend
1:30pm: back downtown, drop everything off at home, eat
4pm: tutorial
5pm: etc

wednesday schedule – in

grrr. so i forget to plan wednesday. proceed to sleep at 12, wake up at 12. and now i have no schedule! lets try:

1-3: head to school, find a spot outsidish to write essay.
3-6: class
6: either meet parents, or see movie.
evening: read before tomorrow’s movie tutorial, charge camera, figure out what to wear for the show. rest well.

red hot chili peppers, etc

scarf, diny, and even maha: your posts got filtered into the 1739 long queue of spam. i rescued them, but i have no clue WHY they end up there. i just search for “scarf” “diny” and “maha” to catch those posts. i dunno why it doesn’t remember… any ideas on how i can help you?

i loved red hot chili peppers all this time and i had no clue. (the band – i still can’t eat spicy). “road trippin”, “snow”, “scar tissue”, “californication”, “fortune faded”. i didn’t like “stuck by kiss” from when i heard it the first time, but at least now i know who’s is it. i though aerosmith for some reason.

i love this weather. i love this weather! spring, be here already. how sweet it is to walk outside! even in terribly high heels, which winter made me forget.

(start self analysis)
so. day 2 into my crazy schedule and i already feel overwhelmed, but, BIG BUT (i like them, and i cannot lie), i feel far calmer and happier even with a far more “must remember” mindset then i do with “i’ll think of it tomorrow” mindset. apparently, having this structure makes me calmer. and its strange; on one hand i must be far – far – more strong willed with myself (i.e. dragging myself out of bed, getting myself TO bed, eating right, forcing myself to get ready in ADVANCE as opposed to last minute), which means its stressful – as in, difficult emotionally. on the other hand, this foresight and knowledge of what will happen makes me calmer in a far more deeper way – one that goes beyond, and above, all emotional laziness that i get to enjoy otherwise.
(end self analysis)

so, all of you artists. here is a picture of fairly accurate color of our bathroom’s tiles. in the book i’m reading now, i noticed how he had mentioned about painting the bathroom to make the tiles “pop”. i can’t figure out what color it is for our light blue drab tiles. any ideas welcome. i’d go for hot pink, but tim isn’t too keen on that…

tuesday schedule – post

ooh man i’m good. fell asleep as if on command last night at 12. i haven’t had that since january, when i worked full time.

9am: got up
10am: cheated and took a cab to class, excusing myself for trying not to miss a quiz. my average on those quizzes is like 85%, if not 90. they’re 25% of final mark! w00t. (missing==0, i missed 0!)
1pm: cssu, lunch and penn&teller.
3pm: class
4pm: headed home instead, intending to study but there i slacked off. had coffee and took a shower instead.
6pm: meeting maha anytime now.